Saturday, June 01, 2013

Indoor Cat Heads Outdoors

Stick Tail loves his new float cabin home.

He started his indoor life twenty years ago (he's at least 21 years old now) when we lived in Pomona, California. Our Los Angeles suburb home was near a hillside with packs of coyotes. Stick's name came from a near-death experience that cost him the tip of his puffy tail.

When we moved north, Stick came to live with Mom and became her constant companion. In a third floor apartment style condo, he remained an indoor kitty. He never seemed to mind.

Now that he has moved to our float cabin, he can go out and walk around the deck. He's discovered a HUGE drinking bowl that will never run dry. Lap it up, Stick. -- Margy


  1. So glad he is settling in. He does look happy!

  2. Great that he is feeling comfortable in his new home. Thanks for the tip on linking.

  3. And when he drinks the lake dry...
    I love these photos, Margy. I was projecting my own lack of balance and depth perception, and worrying he wouldn't be able to get along out there, but I'm glad he has made, if not a liar, at least an unnecessary worrier out of me.

  4. How lovely that he is enjoying his new home. He will give you a lot of love in return xxx

  5. It is nice that he is taking so well to his outdoor surroundings - hope he doesn't drink the lake dry. :-)

  6. Now that looks like a safe way for the cat to be outside. I have only indoor cats.

  7. Glad he is a happy kitty. Cute photos.

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Good to see Stick Tail is settling in and enjoying the outside.

  9. Too funny, reminds me of our cat Fluffy...wait until Stick figures out the outdoors offers creatures to prey upon...Fluffy loves stalking things now. So much so, we have to keep an close eye on her to be sure she doesn't bring us any "gifts".

  10. They sure adapt! Diasy followed me into the swamp yesterday, as I tried to find a bird. I had soakers, running shoes still wet, but she is a brave little runt!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy