Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring is in the Ground

The air may still be cool, but every day or so we get a sunny warm one. I consider anything in the double digits (even 10 degrees Celsius) warm this time of year. I've even been known to go out sunbathing on the deck if there's no accompanying wind.

Last week I took one glorious day to get my garden ready for the planting.  I pulled the last of my carrots. They wintered in the ground just fine with only a few nibbles on the tops (mice or insects?). I cleaned them up and put them in the fridge to use.

I left a row of curly kale for now. The plants have small curly leaves on top of tall stalks. That's the result of picking a few leaves at a time over time. I really love curly kale. It's so versatile both raw and cooked.

I dug in steer manure to all of my float garden raised beds and pots on the deck. I will let it rest and marry with my dirt until mid-April. That way when I plant my seeds directly into the soil it won't be too strong and burn their tender roots and shoots.

Welcome Spring! Your promise is in the ground. -- Margy


  1. What fun! We're still snowy, but it is melting.

  2. Jennifer - It's got to end soon! It's Spring after all. - Margy

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I love your floating garden.

  4. What a unique garden!!! How very interesting. And it looks like such rich soil, you're bound to have a 'good crop' no matter what you plant. Cute Spring Bunny peeking out too.

  5. A beautiful garden! I love the bunny!

  6. Love the floating garden. I need to get my boxes ready soon with fertilizer. Going to plant some seeds this week indoors.

  7. Ahhh spring - I like the idea of starting the garden work. I've put in some pansies and sweet peas - more to come. Great photos - it always looks so peaceful there.

  8. Your floating garden is really nice! We have to wait for planting to be sure the last frost is over..Cute Easter Bunny!

  9. You must be home from sunny southland. The rain just won't quit here. No sun for any winter sunbathing. LOL

  10. MB - Just got back to Bellingham, then back home on Thursday. We've been quite the jet setters. Loved the Spring Training baseball, but it will be good to get back home to see if any of my marigolds have sprouted. - Margy

  11. Welcome spring! And longer days...

  12. I love your float garden! We use horse manure in our garden...the veggies really love it.

  13. Anonymous4:23 AM

    I have never seen this idea before, I think I’m totally hooked to make one this spring! A floating garden for a new one! Cool!

    Sebastian of
    Gazebo and Bali Hut Super Store


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy