Texada Aerospace Camp a Huge Success
Thanks to the vision and hard work of Doby and Bob of Texada Island, with a host of volunteers, the First Annual Aerospace Camp was a huge success. It was a pleasure for Wayne and I to be involved in a small way. Wayne gave a class on aviation navigation, instruments and careers for the 25 youths aged 10-18.
Other activities included testing model aircraft in a wind tunnel, kite construction, rocketry, planetarium, and a visit to the airport to meet pilots and see their aircraft.
The goal was to inspire the next generation of pilots, aviation technicians and astronauts.
A ceremony in the gymnasium of the Texada Island School included speakers from the military, women in aviation, education and the lead pilot from the Fraser Blues.Every time we go to Texada, Wayne and I are so impressed with their sense of community and support for island activities. That showed in the number of people who came out for the Star Party we held at the airport on Saturday night. We thank everyone for their patience in waiting for the dark sky. The night's best included the ring nebula, jupiter and the moon. And thanks to a participant, we even got a great view of the Space Station passing overhead.
The weekend culminated with the Annual Airport Fly-in. Lots of locals and Powell Riverites attended the pancake breakfast, BBQ lunch and aircraft displays. The highlight of the day was a flight by the Fraser Blues Demonstration Flight Team. Thanks again Doby and Bob and all the volunteers. It was a great celebration of aviation at its best. See you next year! - Margy
Where can I find a schedule of shuttle sightings over Powell River?
ReplyDeleteThe NASA sight has Space Station sighting information for Powell River at the following link for the NASA Website. If there is a Space Shuttle up there will be information at the bottom of the page. Hope this helps. We have lots of fun watching the Space Station pass overhead from our cabin deck. This last month we even saw the Space Shuttle pass over ten minutes before the Shuttle did. Very exciting. And good night skies are coming soon without have to stay up so late (at least if they clouds cooperate). - Margy