Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Wind Warning

Any time there's a storm up the lake it brings wind.  When a storm is moving in, the wind comes from the southeast and hits the cabin in front. After the storm passes, the wind shifts to the northwest. Then it hits us from two directions. The cliff behind the cabin splits it. Some comes through the notch of Hole in the Wall. The rest comes down the lake and angles past us towards John's place across the bay.

Wind that comes through the Hole pushes our log boom in. Because the lake level is so low, the anchor cables let the logs drift more than usual.  During the last storm, the boom went so far it bumped the sides of our boats tied to the cabin's float.

The first two pictures show how close the logs came. This last one shows the log boom's normal position with no wind.

The wind also makes our cabin rock on its anchor cables. Fortunately, our good friend and cabin builder John invented a tire shock absorber system.  In case you haven't seen the video, here it is again.

We don't get jerked around any more.  It's more like rocking in a hammock. Thanks John. -- Margy


  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Wow, so much to consider and learn about when living on a float home.

  2. Your posts make me more and more curious about living in a floating cabin...all the different aspects are so fascinating! Thanks for posting:)


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy