Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sunrise Over Goat Island

This month the weather has been a mix of sun, clouds, wind, rain, and even some hail. Is this really spring?

Recently I was up early enough to be rewarded with a beautiful sunrise over Goat Island. In winter, the sun moves far to the south across the bay from our float cabin home.

During spring, the sun starts to climb up the side of nearby Goat Island until it crests the top in summer.

There's nothing like a sunny start to a nice, warm spring day.

Now I can get out and continue planting my float garden and deck pots. Is spring late in coming to your area? -- Margy


  1. Hi Margy — love your Skywatch shots. You're in... well, I can't decide how to describe your surroundings... okay, "beautiful" will do! And I always love to see your float garden...nobody has gardens here yet...and our grandson is digging up my little spruce tree that finally succumbed to Alberta winters. I'm not watching him, but I can hear shovel sounds.
    I hope you and Wayne continue to have beautiful days and beautiful skies.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. Your winters are way colder than ours. I don't have anything new in the garden yet. I'm still harvesting winter crops like kale and broccoli. - Margy

  2. And hello from Greece where the sun is finally shining for a day anyway - rain is predicted for tomorrow and we just got the last of the African dust out of the air yesterday. And I too am busy in the garden. . .shall we race to harvest?? Have a great week!

    1. Is the dust in the air an annual event? We do get smoke from summer fires, but other than that our skies are clear as long as it isn't storming. - Margy

  3. We are pretty late, too. I am shocked. Last night, peepers, though! The frog pond is still half frozen! I love the sunset/sunrise photos! Very interesting.

    1. I am guessing we are about two weeks late for spring gardening and bird arrivals. - Margy

  4. Nice view! We also have mountain reference points to see the summer vs winter sun, although in our case it's sunset, and it's amazing how much it moves. We had snow yesterday and more on the way next week, but it's sunny and warm today - typical Colorado weather!

    1. We have both reference points, but sunrise is so important that is the one we focus on. - Margy

  5. Nothing like a sunny start...
    A lovely view!

    1. You know it, especially this time of year when they are few and far between. - Margy

  6. Your sunrise is lovely with that touch of pink. A beautiful start to the day.

    1. I love to sleep late, so even with a 9:00 sunrise I'm not always up. - Margy

  7. I just love that you have a float garden!!! And I see daffodils (be still my heart) ... nothing like that here and I miss them from when we lived in Oregon (too hot for most spring flowers here in SW Florida). We do have pretty skies here though, but obviously so do you!! Worth getting up early for for sure.

    1. I love the daffodils. They make spring special. Unfortunately I had a mouse over the winter and it must have eaten most of the bulbs on one side of the garden. The plants got leaves, but no blooms. - Margy

  8. You have beautiful sunrises. Whenever I see photos of deck and container veggie gardens, I tell myself I can do that. Your inspires me to try. I have no idea what is norm for Spring anymore. It varies day by day, hot, cool, overcast, etc. The fruit trees are finally blooming which I think is late based on previous years. Then again, it may not be. :-)

    1. The weather mix here has been varied as well. I do lots of container gardening. Potatoes are the easiest. I also have good results with peppers and tomatoes. - Margy

  9. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Can't believe you are not much behind us here in California! Your garden is the cutest, thinking about it that it is a floating garden! The only ones (a little exaggerated) are the orange poppies who start springing up in the wild here.
    Appreciate your "announcement of All Seasons in addition to linking up! Have a lovely week!

    1. Most of the things in my garden are the left overs from my winter crops. I hate to pull them out while they are still producing, but little by little I am getting the new spring seeds planted. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy