Friday, July 17, 2015

Kurt and his Aviat Husky in Powell Lake

Kurt and his Aviat Husky float plane at Hole in the Wall.
Last year Kurt and his Aviat Husky floatplane came to share in a summer of fun with the Hole in the Wall gang. He enjoyed his float cabin stay so much, he returned again this summer.

Kurt will be using the float cabin as his headquarters to continue to explore lakes and inlets along the south coast of British Columbia.

Stopping by for a visit at our cabin.
As pilots, it's nice to have an aviation minded summer neighbour. He stops by to share his adventures and take away some of my extra garden produce. But I better be careful, the prolific zucchini may scare him away. Just kidding! - Margy


  1. Beautiful and soothing.

  2. How AWESOME to have your own AIRPLANE so you can pop over to friends ANY time!

    abcw team

  3. I'm sure Kurt will see some amazing places. I only went in a float plane once many years ago. We flew the smaller prop plane from Vancouver to Victoria and it was amazing seeing all the islands and scenery, lucky to have clear days to fly,

  4. Nice shots and video!

  5. So cool to have friends like that. I have only two monster tomato bushes this year and the vines are drooping due to the massive amounts of tomatoes that are just about to ripen. I also have a jalapeno plant (one) that is producing like crazy. 3 picked already and one just about ready to go. This hot Spring sure did good for gardens.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy