Thursday, August 04, 2016

Cabin Baking: Banana Chocolate Loaf

I had two over-ripe bananas, so I looked through my cookbooks to find a recipe to put them to good use.

I found one in a cookbook I got at The Economy Shop, my favourite thrift store in Powell River.

Banana Chocolate Loaf


1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 2/3 cups sugar
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
4 tablespoons sour cream
1 cup mashed bananas
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups chocolate bits


Cream together the butter or margarine and sugar. Add the eggs and salt and mix well.

Dissolve the baking powder and baking soda in sour cream and add to the creamed mixture. I didn’t have any sour cream, so I substituted plain yogurt. Don’t be surprised, the mixture will foam.

Stir in the mashed bananas (2 very ripe bananas makes one cup mashed) and vanilla.

Gradually stir in the flour, then mix in the chocolate chips. Don't skimp on them, that's what makes this cake so yummy!

Pour into a well greased and floured loaf pan. I used a piece of parchment paper in the bottom to make removal after baking easier.

The recipe says to bake at 350 degrees for about 1 1/2 hours. I found that one hour was too little, and 1 1/2 hours made it too brown and crusty on the outside, at least in my oven. The next time I’ll try something in the middle and test with a toothpick to check for doneness. -- Margy

Reference: Wonderful Ways to Prepare Cakes and Cookies by Jo Ann Shirley (Playmore Inc., 1978).


  1. I've never believed in coïncidenses... just some minutes ago, before I opened and saw your post... my husband asked me if I would like thim to bake a bread... ;-) Thank you for this blog, we have bananas too.. .they go in now ;-)

    Have a nice ABC-W-Day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

    1. Now if only I could get Wayne to bake for me. At least he runs a mean BBQ. - Margy

  2. I don't care where or how you made it - just save me a slice!

    1. It is a yummy cake. We like to warm slices in a frying pan and top them with ice cream and whipping cream. That's gilding the lily. - Margy

  3. This looks and sounds delicious! :)

    1. It would be good in the winter when it's warm. - Margy

  4. Great recipe - thanks for being our recipe tester.

    1. It was a hit with Wayne, so it was my third test. Still have to work on the baking time. I've almost got it right. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy