Saturday, December 05, 2015

"And the River Still Sings" by Chris Czajkowski

In my last review, I mentioned how I like to read multiple books by authors I enjoy. One of those authors is Chris Czajkowski.

Credit: Pauline Dupas from

Here's a list of her books in the order they were written. The ones with stars (*) I've already read.

Chris was born in England. After travelling the world, she settled in Canada. Chris was never a "city girl," so she headed to Salmon Arm in British Columbia to work on a dairy farm. She was asked to deliver a piece of farm equipment to Trudy and Jack Turner in the Chilcotin wilderness. Trudy is the daughter of Ralph Edwards, an early homesteader at remote Lonesome Lake. His life was chronicled in Crusoe of Lonesome Lake. Trudy's life on her own homestead became the story behind Fogswamp: Living with Swans in the Wilderness.

Chris fell in love with the remote wilderness, and was allowed to build her first cabin on the Turner's land. When it came time for them to sell, Chris headed farther into the wilderness to find a place where she could start a place of her own. The result was Nuk Tessli, a wilderness resort that she built from the ground up.

And the River Still Sings, her newest book, follows Chris's life from England, around the world, into Canada, through her Nuk Tessli experience, and up to the present at her homestead property on Ginty Creek.  I enjoyed reading this book because it tied all the previous books together. It included now experiences and perspectives, so it gave a fresh look to older stories.

Chris's books can be read in any order, but if you haven't read any, you might want to start with some of the older titles and save And the River Still Sings for later. If you can read only one, this is it.

Want to know more about Chris? You can find her online at:

Amazon -- Author's Page
!ndigo -- Books
Facebook - Chris Czajkowski
Hello BC - Interview

Have you read any of Chris's books? Which was your favourite? -- Margy


  1. Sounds so well... amazing books for soul!! Thanks for this post, these reviews and many thanks for your coming by my blog, as well!
    Have a nice sunday and a full month of joys! Happy Holidays!

    1. I love reading, especially at the cabin. And my favourite books are about people who also live in remote areas. - Margy

  2. I love the sound of this! Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. I read about Ralph Edwards decades ago, 'cause my grandfather had that book. Actually met Chris once when she was on a speaking tour here in Ontario. Great stories!

    1. I read that book a long time ago as well. Way before I knew about Chris. How lucky to have met Chris. I know she still does extensive book tours. - Margy

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM


  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by to comment on my book review post. Chris is an amazing woman, still living off the grid on a homestead. I can't wait for her next book. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy