Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cabin Cooking: Homemade Ice Cream

What better way to cool off on a hot day than with homemade ice cream. When we are at our float cabin, ice can be hard to come by. We have a propane refrigerator, but the small freezer is usually full. Towards the end of the week there's finally enough space to make a bag of ice. I researched to find a small manual ice cream maker. What I purchased was the Play and Freeze Ice Cream Maker by Industrial Revolution ( I got mine at REI. You can get it online or at a store near you. I have the pint size. There's also a quart version.

Ice cube trays filled half way work best. After I have a one quart plastic bag filled I'm ready to go. Directions for making ice cream are simple. Fill the ball with as much ice as it will hold. Add 1/2 cup rock salt to the ice to increase its freezing power.

Here is the recipe I use.

1 pint of half and half
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar

Cream makes a smoother ice cream. When I am at the cabin, I use a can of Carnation Thick Cream (but it's getting hard to find) mixed with enough canned milk to make the one pint of liquid. Mix your ice cream ingredients and place them in the other end of the ball.

Now shake or roll the ball to make ice cream. I've found it takes longer than advertised. I open the container at 10 minutes and scrape the sides with a plastic spoon. Otherwise, it freezes hard on the outside and remains liquid in the middle. I check it every 5 minutes and repeat as necessary. I also add more ice if room permits.

I pre-chill an aluminum bowl. When the ice cream is of soft serve consistency, I transfer it to the aluminim bowl and put it in the freezer to harden. At this point I might add chocolate chips, coconut or frozen berries to make a custom flavor. The possibilities are endless. I've even put it in a graham cracker crust to make an ice cream pie. The possibilities are limitless.

Want to create an ice cream maker of your own? Click here for directions using baggies or coffee cans. No matter how you make it, ice cream makes a yummy treat. -- Margy


  1. Clarification please --

    do you mean when you're at home you use half and half and when you're at the cabin you use the carnation and canned milk in place of it?

    Or, do you mix all of these ingredients together at home and at the cabin?

    How long does it take for it to turn into ice cream? Is it more like 10 to 15 minutes?

  2. The first time I made ice cream with my ball I used 2% milk. It froze so hard that it was difficult to scrape off the sides. The recipe that came with the maker recommended half and half for richer ice cream, so that is what I tried next. It was much better, but I don't always have it at the cabin (that's the only place I make ice cream).

    I found the Carnation canned thick cream and decided to give it a try. It is really thick and rich. If I have enough half and half, I use that for the remaining liquid. If not, I use canned milk (a staple I always have on hand). The half and half tastes better, but the canned milk version isn't bad, especially if I am adding other flavorings.

    The time is usually about 20 minutes. If it takes longer I go ahead and transfer it to the cold aluminum bowl and let the freezer finish it for me.

    It isn't a perfect ice cream maker, but for such a simple device it produces a tasty treat for summer days.

  3. That sounds delicious.
    And ice cream pie---yummy!

    Bear((( )))

  4. Homemade ice cream! Yum!

    You scream
    I scream
    We all scream for
    Ice Cream!

  5. This is really clever! Great info!

  6. Even on a chilly and damp day like today, I came racing over to check out your icecream! What a great idea that is.

  7. Margy, thanks for the invitation for ice cream! I've always wondered how these work. What a fun post and perfect 'i' word for today.
    Happy weekend!

  8. When my kids were small, I made ice cream with an ice-cream maker, but I don't know whatever happened to it. Yours sounds delish!

  9. Mmmmmmmmmmmm! I was just thinking of an icecream!



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy