Sunday, January 18, 2015

Winter Up at the Head

We usually save our boat trips up to the head of Powell Lake for spring when the waterfalls are running fast and heavy, but a sunny winter day after a night of rain drew us up to see what was happening.

The falls were full and the reflections on the water were amazing.

We even got to see two mountain goats cavorting along the rocky cliffs, having been driven down by snow in the high country. It was a great trip to break up the cloudy January days. -- Margy


  1. How beautiful! I've been deer shed hunting and have found 4!

    1. You sure take care of your critters. - Margy

  2. So pretty. Mountain goats would be something to see - so rare to spot.

    1. We can see them on the granite cliffs around Powell Lake even in the summer, only then they are so high you need binoculars unless you have eagle eyes like our friend John. - Margy

  3. Glorious country - love the way the waterfall hits the lake.

  4. just gorgeous. love the silvery waters.

  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting on my reflection post this week. - Margy

  6. So lovely! When we lived in the northwest it seemed to rain all the time in the winter. You make it look bright and beautiful!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy