Friday, May 22, 2020

#ThrowbackThursday: Float Cabin Tours - Bathroom and Guest Room

Last week I shared the remodeled kitchen in our float cabin. From Summer 2011 through Spring 2012, with the help of our good friend John, we completed several float cabin improvement projects. The most involved was the addition of a bathroom and side porch.

Follow these links for details about the construction process.
Framed next to guest room.
Under Construction schematic video
Up Goes the Frame
Site Supervisor
Night Watchman
Bathroom and Porch

There's a compost toilet, tub, a pantry and a repurposed nightstand for storage. And now there's no need to climb the cliff to an outhouse.

The new bathroom.
It's nice to have indoor "plumbing" after all these years. Our kitchen sink hand pump for water and the woodstove for heating it are still integral components of our new bathroom.

But the most welcome addition is the compost toilet. An added bonus is that it is an approved black water solution that meets our water lease requirements.

A room for guests.
While we were at it, we remodeled the adjacent downstairs guest bedroom. The old window became the doorway into the bathroom. For a new window to let light into the room, John cut a hole in the back wall with his trusty chainsaw.

A new window.
We don't have many overnight guests, so the extra "bedroom" is a handy place to keep several days of wood in an indoor storage shelf.

It's also a good place to keep my books and crafting supplies, and as a nice spot to lounge in the sun to read, thanks to the new window.

Come take a YouTube video tour to see for yourself.

To read more about off-the-grid life in a float cabin, check out two of Wayne's books in the Coastal BC Stories series. -- Margy

Up the Lake -- Print for $9.95 or free Kindle introductory offer in most countries or $.99 USD elsewhere. Other free e-book offers are available at Smashwords and other online booksellers.

Farther Up the Lake -- Print for $9.95 or Kindle for $1.99. Other e-book formats are available at Smashwords and other online booksellers.


  1. What an idyllic setting! The remodel came out great, very practical addition with a lovely window. You might have more visitors than you think come summer :)
    PS - nicely done video - I like your voice very much

    1. Hope things are okay for you down in LA County. - Margy

  2. wow
    what a woderful place

  3. What a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle. I think I could adjust to living there :)

    I am so glad that you took the time to share your world at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks!

    1. It really isn't much different from living in town except the view is a whole lot better. - Margy

  4. Oh wonderful landscape, it's a paradise I think so,
    Greetings from Germany

    1. Wayne's ancestors came from Germany several generations back. And we meet lots of German tourists here in BC. - Margy

  5. Looks like a little patch of heaven!

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Yes, but we have had to build our own floating patch. - Margy

  6. I loved the tour! What an amazing place. John is quite the dude, too!

    1. He sure is. We couldn't do it without him, especially right now. - Margy

  7. Glad to see your lovely home once again, Margy. You indeed live in a patch of heaven.

    Do link up your post to #WW. We go live tomorrow with a new post and linky. :)

  8. Such a wonderful place ~ ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. We were so happy to find it after living for so long in Los Angeles. - Margy

  9. Wonderful landscape!

    1. We love the view over to Goat Island from our front porch. Watching the shadows from the clouds on the hillside is fun. - Margy

  10. Proper toilet placement. Looking at the first photo, I was amazed where your floating home position was very special. The view is very nice. Greetings from Indonesia

    1. I saw what looked like floating homes in one of your photos. - Margy

  11. The floating cabin looks ideal. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. The Piper Arrow is a wonderful plane. Had a Cherokee 140 for many years and loved traveling in it.

    1. Wayne used to have a Cherokee 140 before we were married. - Margy

  12. Always enjoy visiting your float cabin (and I know you are missing it this Spring.). You know what I loved best about this post? That John made the window cut with his chain-saw! “We” are long-time home remodelers and I thought Bill (the half of ‘we’ that has the actual talent) was the only person who has ever used that particular tool for that purpose! He scared me half to death, but the remodeled attached garage made a great additional bedroom when we needed to separate two pre-teen sons who had shared one up to that point (we ended up with a five-bedroom house.). Fun memories.

    1. Yes, we are missing it. No garden this year for sure. If I don't get seeds in the ground by May they just don't take hold before the summer heat. Yes, John is a master with the chainsaw. - Margy

  13. What an interesting place to be in!

    1. It is both interesting and inspiring to be here. - Margy

  14. Would be so Wow to be on the water like that. Love your place. Thanks for visiting so I could come visit you. :) Happy week.

    1. We go out in boats and they rock a lot at anchor. Our 40x40' float is much more stable even in wind waves and boat wakes. - Margy

  15. Margy - when I come to visit, we might have to find another place for that firewood! You know I love your place, and I have never been there!

    1. The wood shelf inside lasts for about five days during the coldest months. That way we can wait for breaks between rain storms to bring in more. - Margy

  16. Oh dear Margy! You really make me wanna see that cabin of yours! If only I was living on the same state, I would have begged you to invite me on it! Love the guest room and it feels super cozy there even with all those beautifully chopped wood on it! Happy Thursday dear Margy!

    1. Who knows, you seem to get to a lot of places around the world. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy