Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Update: Float Cabins for Sale on Powell Lake BC

Our float cabin on Powell Lake.
Wayne and I love living in our float cabin home on Powell Lake in all seasons. Summer is back and we are really enjoying cabin life. We returned to Canada and completed our mandatory 14-day quarantine up the lake. I couldn't think of a better place to self isolate.

Right now there are still a few float cabins on the market, but don't wait too long. They could be gone in a flash. Purchasing our float cabin home was the best thing we ever did. Come up and see what Powell Lake has to offer.

Powell Lake Cabins and Properties

Are you interested in getting a cabin of your own? Here's an updated list of cabins and properties up the lake that are for sale. Some are through real estate agents, so you can get more information via their websites. Other cabins are for sale by the owners with information on Craigslist or Facebook pages.

Powell Lake Cabins and Properties For Sale

FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE LISTING: Twelve year old float cabin on Powell Lake. It has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. These are the only details included in the posting, but the picture shows there's much more included. The asking price is $160,000.  Contact the seller on Facebook for more details.

FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE LISTINGPowell Lake lease for sale in Rainbow area. Beautiful deep spot with great views and sun exposure with the best place to swim. Decent breakwater and all onshore remediation taken care of. There is a cabin, but it’s in poor shape. A tear down in my opinion. Please message me for questions. The asking price is $60,000.  Contact the seller on Facebook for more details.

MLS LISTING: 9742 Powell Lake is a newly built float cabin on the first point past Henderson Bay that just needs a bit of finishing. Large covered walk around deck, great access to shore and bluffs. Two level with 1 bedroom on main and 2 bedrooms up plus a large loft. Wood stove, metal roof and loads of skylights. New "eco john" sewage waste combustion system plus an extra float to build a small shed. Reduced to $159,000. Click here for more information, or contact Dan Marusin of EstateBlock Realty at 250-984-8355.

MLS LISTING: 9428 Powell Lake is a two year old float cabin only 15 minutes by boat up the lake in popular Henderson Bay. All new from the cedar log float upwards: new cedar decking, anchors and ropes, 2 x 6 construction, insulation, wiring with full solar power, on demand hot water heater, tub with shower, composting toilet, wood stove for heat and a kitchen with a solar powered fridge and gas range. Cedar and metal siding, metal roof and thermal windows. The asking price is $164,000. Click here for more information.

MLS LISTING: 9242 Powell Lake is a land cabin on a half acre waterfront lot with a beautiful sandy beach. It has two bedrooms, a bath with a shower, a large living room with a cozy woodstove. The little kitchen is a perfect .place to prepare meals to enjoy in the glassed-in breakfast room.  A covered front deck is the perfect place to relax on a warm summer evening. There's a lovely garden, a waterside deck and fire pit on the beach, plus a handy sheds for storage and firewood. It’s all ready and waiting for you to enjoy for $235,000. For more information contact Warren Behan of Royal LePage at 604-483-8173 or click here.

MLS LISTING: BC Land Professionals is offering a lakefront lodge. The property is 8.35 acres of Crown lease land (renewal due in 2021) with 1300 feet of lake frontage. There are 5 self contained cedar cottages: 3 two-bedroom and 2 one-bedroom. Each has a full bathroom with showers, sinks, toilets, and full kitchens with brand new appliances. Living and eating areas are fully furnished with wood stoves for heat. The fridge, stove, hot water and lighting are propane. Other buildings includes a wood fired Sauna and tool shed. The foreshore and docks are protected by log breakwater. The complete package is at a reduced price of $299,000. Click here for more information and pictures. For more information call toll free at 1-866-558-5263, the office at 604-694-7626 or mobile at 604-483-1605.

MLS LISTING: BC Land Professionals is offering a stunning 1.7 acre island with two cabins that's only a 20-30 minute boat ride from the Shingle Mill Marina. It includes a main cabin, guest cabin, outbuildings, foreshore license and dock. The asking price is $275,000. Click here for more information and pictures. For more information Jamie Zroback at (604) 483-1605 or Jason Zroback at (604) 414-5577.

Powell Lake Cabin Services

Powell Lake Cabin Services: Already have a cabin up the lake? We are always looking for help with projects around ours. Our good friend (and float cabin neighbour) Justin Behan offers services such as cargo delivery, lumber packages, cubes, propane tanks, wood stoves, and anchor and rope supply. In addition, Justin is now a distributor for Sun-Mar composting toilets just like the one we installed in our new bathroom addition. For more information, call Justin at (604) 483-6527.

Powell Lake Real Estate: Want a real estate agent that really knows float cabins? That's Harry Zroback (our man Harry who helped us get our cabin) from RE/MAX. Harry owns a cabin himself, so he's an excellent person to contact for all your "up the lake" real estate needs at 604-483-8333 or

Powell Lake Stories

Want to know more about life up the lake. Check out these books from Wayne's Coastal BC Stories series:

Up the Lake (Free for Kindle and e-books)
Farther Up the Lake
Cabin Number 5
Off the Grid
Off the Grid: Getting Started
Powell Lake by Barge and Quad
If you have any questions about Powell River, Powell Lake or cabin living, I'd be glad to help out. Just leave a comment or use the e-mail link in my profile to send me a message. -- Margy


  1. I love looking at these houseboats and imagining a different way of life... perhaps it will be my way of life in the future, when the children are grown and ejvig and I don't have to work anymore! It looks heavenly.

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Looks like a great way to live to me. It would be a GREAT reason to get rid of some(or all) of the STUFF I own. LOL

  3. I would love to live on Cassiar Island...just think my own island.

  4. I'll take one!!!!
    Hugs ♥♥

  5. Gee whizz....I'll dream on!

  6. What a wonderful life! Jim would love fishing off his front "yard"!

  7. These cabins are the entry to a great way of life, as you know so well, Margy!

    I have a friend moving to the coast looking for an unusual place on the water. I'd say these fit! I'll be showing her your blog. Happy belated New Year to you and Wayne!

  8. Hi Marion - If they have any questions have them send me an e-mail. I always love bragging about my home up the lake. - Margy

  9. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Hi Margy,

    I've been reading your comments for some time now. I grew up in a float camp in the Smiths and Rivers Inlet area. Ready to get back to it! Wondering about the 5 cabin lease property. Do you pass it on the way to your place? knowledge of the lake is slim! Wondering how long it takes to get there, and how rough the dock etc. is, as it has been empty for quite some time. I look forward to your ongoing messages...especially the ones about gardening! My mom got quite creative, as did the other ladies of the camp. Fantastic luck with flowers, but not so much with veggies. Marcia

  10. Hi Marcia - The lease property with the 5 cabins is farther up the lake from us. To get to our cabin it takes 25 minutes in a runabout so I am guessing it would be an additional 15-20 minutes to get to the property in a boat our size. I haven't been into the dock in over a year so I am not sure of the condition now, but then it had some weak spots and wood damage. As you said, things that have been left alone for a long time do tend to deteriorate. The same with the cabins. If you are interested, I would highly recommend contacting the agent and going up to look at the property. You would also want to see how much longer the lease runs and what the renewal requirements are. It was a commercial operation until the early 2000s. One interesting aspect is that it can be reached overland by a network of logging roads, but access from Powell River is quite restricted to quads and even that may be eliminated in the near future. But for backcountry exploration it is a big bonus. The center of the property was a huge grassy area surrounded by the cabins and then forest. If you are handy with restorations or have someone in the family it would be a good fixer-upper. If you had to pay for all the work to be done that might be another thing. Hope this helps. - Margy

  11. Hi Margy,
    Very helpful. Thankyou. In your experience, would there tend to be more snow/rain there than in, for example, downtown Powell River, Townsite, or Lund? Marcia

  12. Hello again! Hubbie and I are looking for some off grid land. Sister and her hubbie may be joining us. In touch with local realtors. Certainly would appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thanks. Picked up...I think it was 'Up The Lake' last time in P.R. enjoyed it very much. Marcia

  13. Hi Marcia -

    As far as snow, starting at about our cabin the snow sticks and stays a bit longer than in town, but only slightly more. The elevation at lake level is just barely above sea level. The last two winters have been relatively mild, but there have been some with more snow and freezing weather. For us it is a welcome change. If we had grown up here maybe we'd have a different point of view.

    There are quite a few locations where you can find off the grid properties especially north of town along the coast. Some are accessible by forest dirt roads and others are water access only. One real estate agency you might check out is BC Land Professionals. They are the same ones that are offering the Powell Lake Lodge. Here's a link to one in Okeover Inlet.

    The agent we've used is Harry Zroback at ReMax. A link to him is in my post. Just tell him Wayne and Margy sent you. He'll take good care of you like he did us.


  14. Margy
    If Harry lives in a cabin, heknow very well.
    When I lived up North of Brazil, during 1 year, I lived in a house on the water, Amazon River, do u know that?

    It was so funny
    nice day

  15. Hi Margy, thanks for stopping by. It has been a hard year and somewhat frustrating so getting to at least sleep in the cabin was a treat, unfortunately the "noseeums" found me rather quickly and I had to retreat for now.
    I currently am looking for the "perfect" stove to keep it cosy but not over heated. There will be a deck off the back where a NE composting toilet will be and a rainforest shower and cystern. I have been thinking of you and your windpower turbine you wrote about last year and thinking I can do the same here.
    This has been a much more frustrating process than I expected and that is saying a lot 'cause I don't frustrate easily. It has been a remarkable experience and I realize I know and am capable of much more than I think...I will never build with a partner again!!!!!
    Glad things are going well with you and I hope the weather gets warmer for your time up the lake, it has been extremely cool here.

  16. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Hi Margy, Likin' the pics of your garden float. How has the summer been there? We have tried to see the 5 cabin lease property, with realtors, twice. Once the boat would not start and once in got stormy and the lake was too rough. We are from Alberta and our time in P.R. is sadly brief each year, so not much chance to take a closer look.
    Question...what do you and the other float houses/cabins use as a water source? If you use creek/river/spring, do you need a permit?
    We're wondering if the dock is still solid enough to tie up at. Guess we'll find out if we get out there this fall. We'd need to build a dock and also a swim float. Know anyone with experience in building log/plank docks and floats?
    Thanks for your info and updates.
    Happy floating! Marcia

  17. Hi Marcia -

    Hope this is the lucky trip for you. I still haven't been back to the property, so I don't know the condition. I do know when you leave cabins untouched that long they do deteriorate quickly. Same goes for the floats. They weren't in good shape when we were there several years ago. But I am sure you could find a spot to tie up until repairs could be made. Plus, if the real estate company is really trying to move the property I bet they have kept some things in working order.

    I don't know what the property did for water. They must have had some kind of system with five cabins. We use the lake water after boiling for cooking, coffee, and of course, washing. For drinking water we prefer to take bottled water up. We don't need much, so a few jugs lasts us quite a while.

    Our good friend is excellent at building cedar log floats, but I don't know if he is available for extra work. Another resource is Justin Behan. He has a business to build floats and cabins, and sells anchor rope, wood stoves and compost toilets. His number is in the post. The challenge has been to find a logging company willing to sell any. Maybe the old dock logs aren't so bad they can't be reused.


  18. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Thanks Margy. We've been wondering (thinking of kids and grandkids!) what the lake water temperature is like in the summertime...warm enough to swim, ski, etc., without a wetsuit? Also curious to know what the percentage of rainy days is. Should be able to find some weather stats somewhere. Your comments about snow were helpful too. They call it the "Sunshine Coast" But I hear there is a lot of rain.:)
    P.S. Reading "Up The Main". Interesting. Funny! Gives a sense of the area.

  19. Hi Marcia -

    Every year is a bit different. This year in June and July the lake water was colder than normal because the weather was cooler. But on average, I would say the lake water is between 15-20 degrees C from July through August. On a good year you can swim in June and September. By October it is a bit chilly for my taste for lake baths. Kids and adults tube and ski lots on the lake. There are even a few seadoos. Usually July and August have more sun than rain, but this year we've had more rain than normal. It is typical to get a fire ban sometime in July due to lack of rain. Fall can be a nice time of year with a nice mix of sun and rain. By November, the winter storms arrive with wind and rain more frequent. That lasts usually through Easter when Spring brings more sun and storms that are less strong. We do get snow, but for the last two years it has been minimal. Three years ago we got several days of snow followed by a cold spell so it stuck on the ground for a few week. Usually, the snow melts in a few days. We do get cold nights, so ice is more prevalent than snow. We came from Southern California where there were no real seasons, so having distinct seasons has been exciting for us. There is nothing better than snuggling up in front of the wood stove while it rains (or snows) outside. Not at lake level, but up a few hundred feet you can cross country ski and snowshoe. Because the property you are looking at has access to logging roads (or at least it used to) you might be able to use a vehicle to get high enough for winter sports. - Margy

    p.s. Our other name is the Raincoast. Have you read any of the Raincoast Chronicles books yet? They have lots of history of the area (but mostly the lower Sunshine Coast).

  20. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Hi Margy,

    Haven't read the Raincoast Chronicles yet. Will check them out. Reading Adventures in Solitude by Grant Lawrence. Very funny!
    Thanks for the further info.
    We have spent a lot of years in Alberta...winters with temps to minus 50 C so are looking for someplace with milder weather. But dear hubbie is a prairie boy...not sure he can handle 5 months of rain and storm and cloud! Yes...the realtor tells us that the 8 acre property has a connecting road to the logging roads...very grown over, of course. Do you get any phone or internet service up the lake? Sorry if these are questions you have already answered in your blog. I need to spend some time and re-read. We are looking at float houses also. Wondering how they are taxed.
    Appreciate the info!


  21. HI Marcia - We are on the ragged edge of cell phone coverage with my old phone with an external car antennae. I know some people have satellite phone and Internet. That is probably what would be needed that far up the lake. There is also a company in town that offers cell phone coverage extension antennas, but don't know if you are close enough for that. Float cabins have both lease and regional district taxes. That would probably be the same for the lease land property you are looking at. The lease for our cabin is about $500 a year and I think the taxes are about the same. The taxes are based on the assessed value of the cabin. Cabin leases were issued in about 2002 for most cabins for 20 years. We have about 10 years left before renewal. - Margy

  22. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Hi Margy,

    Well, this was our lucky visit! We got up the lake on a totally gorgous day, and took a careful look at the 5 cabin property. Jason Z pointed out your place on the way up! The 5 cabins have been vandalized with furnishings stolen. Also, steps to decks are about had it, and the docks no longer exist. The alders have grown up and almost obscure the lake view, and the entire place is grown over. Having said that, we think it is stunning! Fell in love, in fact! Have been trying to negotiate a deal with the owner, but no luck so far:(
    It would take a lot of work and significant dollars to get back in shape, but what a great place. Thanks again for all the info you have shared and who knows? One day we might just see you up the lake! Marcia

  23. Hi Marcia - Glad you finally got up to the property. We were in Bellingham when you went by. Maybe we'll connect if all goes well for you. - Margy

  24. Hi Margy--wouldn't it be super to live on the Lake. Well you know don't you.

    On a sad note, my Mother left this earth to seek sunnier pastures yesterday. She was 95 and went very quickly for which I am thankful. Thanks for being a friend. MB

  25. What wonderful little cabins, must be idyllic on Powell Lake. Unfortunately, it's a bit far for us. Guess we will stick with Muskoka. ;)

  26. What a nice place and a nice shot you've got! I would loved to visit this kind of place.

  27. Hi Margy,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. As I am discovering yours, I realise that you must have the most peaceful life ever living on a water cabin. The landscape and trips on the lake must be amazing. I also love reflections, as I find them poetic and just peaceful. They offer many photographic opportunities. Take care.

  28. Yes Awena, it is a great place and I never tire of the views. - Margy

  29. Wish I was looking for a place up there, I would love to live in a float cabin!

  30. Before we moved to Comox, we almost considered moving to Powell River. But with 2 ferries to visit Vacouver, would have been too expensive for us. But we would like to visit the area again one day soon.

  31. Stephanie - Let me know if you are headed this way. It would be fun to meet. - Margy

  32. Looks like a paradise to me!

  33. It looks glorious!!!!

  34. It is a glorious paradise in any season EG and Jennifer. We feel so lucky to have found our cabin and to be able to live here. - Margy

  35. Spending time at the floating cabins sounds like an awesome vacation. The scenery is gorgeous too. I guess it is what they say about location, location, location. Enjoy your week!

  36. It's a truly beautiful area and I know I'd love spending time there. But I need a big city nearby on an ongoing basis.

  37. Awesome scenery and an interesting lifestyle. I always thought living on the water would be interesting. I enjoyed reading all the comments. It sounds like a lot of people would like to do something like this.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks, it's a special place for us to live. - Margy

  38. Beautiful scenery.

    1. We love the changing seasons. It's such a unique place. - Margy

  39. Such charming residences on the river! I could see how the beauty and solitude of a floating cabin would be a lure for many, especially outdoor enthusiasts and fishermen, etc.

    1. It is a very popular way to have a cabin here in BC where the land is very steep and forested. - Margy

  40. Wow, lots for sale. Well, not lots, cabins!!!

    1. We have a water lot, but only on a lease. - Margy

  41. What a fabulous selection - I eagerly read every one of them, knowing we can't take this adventure - but pondering it is fun too. I'm sure there are many who will enjoy finding a new home on the lake.

    1. There are always a few cabins for sale. Seems like this summer there are more than usual. Lots of great opportunities for people to get a spot on the lake. - Margy

  42. It's quite the lifestyle! We couldn't manage, not with our health issues. I'm happy for you.

    1. That's why we retired early, so our health would be good enough to enjoy it for quite a few years. We are both aging (18 years with the cabin), so we can't do as much but we can still enjoy it for some time to come hopefully. - Margy

  43. Oh they all look delightful ~ thanks ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Wayne and I love sharing the homes here on Powell Lake. - Margy

  44. Thanks Margy. Here in France in my house I share with you my life experience. So wonderful to follow you and think had I ever emigrated it was to where you live. Groetjes Philip.

    1. We discovered our cabin while vacationing in Powell River in 2001. Even though we were still working in California at the time we knew it would be the perfect place to retire. - Margy

  45. Cute cottages! Lucky renters! Have a wonderful week!

  46. They look like wonderful places to retire ... Not in the market myself because we already have two small places to call home and too many RVs to go between them (assuming we decide travel and Florida are safe again ever). But I am curious about whether it would be something US citizens could even do nowadays.

    1. US citizens can purchase property in Canada. For a float cabin, you need a water lease from the BC government. To do that, you need to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. The work around for US citizens is to create a Canadian company to hold the lease. It's not easy, but it can be done. That's what we had to do from 2001 until 2008 when we became permanent residents and later citizens. - Margy

  47. Margy,

    The closest I came to living on a floating house is when we stayed in Boothbay Harbor. Our hotel room was built right over the water. We could hear the water lapping against the pillars beneath us. It really nice. I guess the only thing that kept me sane is that the hotel was securely built on dry ground for the most part. I don't think I could live on anything that floated like y'all. It's a beautiful, peaceful idea and your location is gorgeously scenic but it wouldn't be my first choice. Heck, living in Canada would be quite difficult especially in the winter. I don't like the extremes at all. Here in east Tennessee our temperatures are kinda in the middle not too hot or cold. We have thought about moving elsewhere if we felt it would offer relief from certain allergies - seasonal and mold mostly but that's a huge undertaking with no guarantee. Maybe, when DH retires we can think about hoping around the country to live for a few months at a time to see if find such a magical place. Thanks for dropping by my little niche in Blogosphere. Stay safe, be well, and have funtastic day!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. We found our float cabin home while vacationing. You just never know when that perfect place will come your way. - Margy

  48. We have often talked about living in a house boat or an RV and traveling. Not sure the kitties would like either. But it is nice to dream.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  49. Had a lovely canoe paddle down the lake after a few days on the Powell canoe circuit...noticed the cabins..thx for the info!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy