Monday, December 24, 2018

5 Favourite 2018 Powell River Books Blog Posts

Each year I like to share posts that were favourites with my readers. Here are the top 5 for 2018 in order. Click the titles to read the posts.

1. Repotting a Red Currant:  In 2017, I purchased a bare root red currant. It outgrew its container so I made a large one from a 45-gallon plastic barrel for its permanent home.
The red currant repotted with a trellis to support vertical growth.

Related post: Red currant jam from my first harvest.

2. Crochet Armrest Cover:  In 2013, we replaced the sofa that came with our cabin. It was used to start with and on it's last legs (literally). In 2018, I made crochet armrest covers to extend its life.

Crochet armrest cover to extend the life of our new sofa.

Related post: What goes up, must come down.

3. Float Cabin Living - The Series:  In 2018, I updated a series I originally wrote in 2007 about living in our float cabin home. The twelve posts delve into off-the-grid living topics.

Our Powell Lake float cabin home.

Related post: Off the grid float cabin YouTube video reaches over one million views.

4. Ode to Bro:  John lost his best friend and constant companion earlier this year. When we bought our float cabin in 2001 it came with John's friendship and his dog Bro's excited (mad-man) welcomes. We considered Bro our adopted dog and felt his loss deeply.

Brody, Bro, Bro-Man

Related post: Portrait of a man and his dog.

5. Float Cabin Marina:  Last Christmas we got a Garmin VIRB Ultra30 action camera. One video showcased our boats at the cabin. When you live on water, boats are an important part of your life.

Only the barge we are on is missing.

Related post: Winter quad ride on Goat Island.

2018 was a very good year up the lake at the float cabin. We hope yours was as well. - Wayne and Margy

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We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy