Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Entertainment Tonight

When Wayne and I tell people we live off the grid in a float cabin 12 kilometres (8 miles) up Powell Lake, they ask, "What do you do way up there?" We divide entertainment into two categories: cabin living and just for fun.

Cabin living is its own entertainment. Wayne and I grew up in the city, so the big change is lots of fun for us.
Cabin maintenance. Stay ahead of things and problems diminish. This summer we'll re-stain the deck and paint indoors.
    New projects. Our friend John does most of these, but we "assist." We are learning to do more on our own. We made a porch enclosure for outdoor meals in winter.
      Wood gathering. We gather and split wood in spring and summer to get it ready for winter. Our log splitter has made the whole process less work and more entertaining! I think of wood in the shed like money in the bank.

         Plenty of time is left for entertainment that's just for fun. 

        Weather Watching. We're more aware of weather up the lake. Plus, Wayne has his "weather toys" to keep up with trends.
          Writing. Cabin life generates lots of stories, and a unique space for a Wayne to work on his books. I use the solitude to write grants for my consulting business.
            Reading. There's nothing better than a good book. Rechargeable Kindles and Kobos are great for off the grid.
              Technology. Satellite radio links us to the world. We don't have TV or Internet, but enjoy laptop movies. Town visits let us surf the web, get email, and blog.
                Boating. The cabin floats on Powell Lake, so there's lots of places to explore by boat and kayak.
                  Quad Rides and Hiking. Loggers have built many roads to timber lots along the lake. On weekends or when logging isn't active these make excellent trails to explore. In winter, boots can be exchanged for snowshoes.
                    Crafts. I like to decorate buckets, containers, and rocks with acrylics, and have taken up crocheting, a pastime my mom loved.
                      Photography. I'm constantly taking pictures, especially to post along with stories on my blog.
                        Gardening. My floating garden produces delicious veggies. My new find is curly kale lasts all winter for salads and soups.
                          Cooking. Wayne's the BBQ chef year round. Winter is cooking time for me when I experiment with baking and meals using my new propane stove.
                            Fishing. Whether it is from the cabin deck or trolling, fishing is fun. Every summer night fish tease us by jumping inside our log boom. But, oh, are they wily fish.
                                Of course, there's taking a sunbath on a warm summer day followed by a swim in the lake. Nothing is more entertaining than that! -- Margy


                                1. Anonymous12:25 PM

                                  I'm sure I'd have not trouble, like you, finding entertainment living in the cabin. I'd be a sky watcher, photographer, nature lover and all the things you mentioned too. As long as I got my internet fix every now and then I can live without tv and game systems that others think is they only way to entertain themselves.

                                2. I love the glimpses of your life on the river, it was awesome to get to know details on how you spend your time! It's a lovely way to live. :)

                                3. I love your attitude that your "work" is Entertainment.
                                  It sounds like an adventurous life.

                                4. Sounds wonderful! So much entertainment for sure. One would never be bored.

                                5. I enjoy reading about your adventures of living off the grid and living in a float house. I was wondering, what do you do for laundry?

                                6. Your floating garden looks marvelous! Sounds like a wonderful lifestyle you enjoy, a lot of work at times but surrounded by nature always. Very serene.

                                7. What a wonderful place to make memories.

                                8. I sometimes wish I had the guts to live like you do. I don't watch TV, but internet would be hard to give up. You live in such a lovely place - your snow photos below are gorgeous.

                                9. Sounds like a great life. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

                                10. Anonymous9:04 PM

                                  I bet you're one of these people who are never bored! Needless to say, you can entertain yourself:):)

                                11. Your life is very interesting and I love the stories and photos. I read a blog that says, I live on a farm, so you don' have to. I guess you are living in a float house so we don't have to - but we get to enjoy the adventures with you.

                                  Even living in the big city of Bellingham we find similar ways to entertain ourselves and stay busy and happy without constant tv and outside entertainment. Cooking, family, reading, crafts of all sorts, nature walks, photography - all keep us happy and healthy, mentally and physically.

                                12. So funny, people asking you that. When I was a teenager, my parents bought 6 acres of land running almost straight up and down a small mountain in BC's Okanagan Valley. There was a dirt road leading up to the one flat spot, which we cleared and proceeded to built a house on...two teenagers and a 9-year-old learning the principles of wood frame construction, plus other useful things like cutting down trees with a two-person saw.
                                  For the first few months we didn't have electricity, so we learned about propane lamps and oil lamps, and Mom figured out how to bake cakes on top of a pot-bellied stove.
                                  What did we DO up there? Everything. In winter we had a toboggan run down to a flat spot with a bonfire for hot dogs and marshmallows, and on the other side of the fire, our neighbor cleared the frozen pond so his kids could invite us to skate.
                                  It's nice that you got a propane stove. I used one for years.
                                  LOL again — what do you do up there indeed!

                                13. Great place, very picturesque.

                                14. This sounds idyllic and something like what we are aiming for. I too lovely curly kale, so easy to grow and yet so good for you. I am going to increase my stock significantly this year and try to grow it all year round xxx

                                15. What a wonderful life:Far from the Madding Crowd! I don't like cities and would gladly have lived in a cabin somewhere in a mountainous area. Now I am too old and need to live near shops and medical facilities.
                                  Thanks for your visit to my Endeavour post. It must have been a gigant tallship!
                                  Wil, ABCW Team.

                                16. sounds like you have a busy and enjoyable life - what more would anyone want?

                                17. Yes , nice pictures , I like that interesting place ! Really great for entertaining in nature! Greetings !

                                18. Must admit I'd have more difficulty entertaining myself, though being online helps tremendously.

                                  ROG, ABCW

                                19. What a fabulous life you live.

                                20. I know exactly what you mean!!!

                                21. love a girl with a power saw!
                                  The photos of the lake and of the floating garden are sooooo gorgeous!

                                22. Thanks for the great response.

                                  Linda - We get our Internet fix when we are in town. Makes for some crazy days writing and scheduling blog posts, but it makes life up the lake more relaxes.

                                  JoAnn - Bellingham is a great town with lots of ways to get away from city life if you want ot. We still keep a place there and enjoy city life on occasion.

                                  Kay - I wish I could have had off-the-grid experiences earlier in my life, but now is better than never.

                                  Fran - You have the advantage of living aboard your barge now and having a plot of land for gardening. I've loved following the renovations of your barge.

                                  Reader Wil - We aren't young, but are still able to take care of things at our cabin. It won't be possible forever, but is perfect for right now.



                                We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy