Friday, February 09, 2018

Rainbow in the Notch

Today it was partly cloudy, but with extended periods of sun inbetween. Late in the day there was a shower over Goat Island backlit by the setting sun.
The rainbow started right in The Notch, a deep cleft in Goat Island's hillside. Wayne wrote about hiking part way up this very steep creek bed in Chapter 6 of Up the Winter Trail.

Excerpt from Up the Winter Trail by Wayne J. Lutz
The stream is still narrow but now rushing. I see a triple falls above me, and it seems there’s no way to go higher. So I veer off to the side, finding a boulder with a log wedged above it. I try to use the rock and log to climb up the cliff and out of the ravine.

My first attempt sends me back down to safer footing in the bed of the creek. Then, I find another route that leads up the opposite side. By kicking my boots into loamy outcroppings in the cliff, I use toeholds and tree limbs to heft myself up and out of the canyon.

I emerge from the Notch into an area covered with prickly blackberry vines – “nature’s barb wire,” as John calls it. The vines grab at my pant legs and boots, and I try to kick them away. This is hopeless, so I use my walking stick and gloves to tear the vines away. Some I drag along with me.

I walk along the top of several logs that criss-cross over the vines, leading to a huge, smooth boulder. It’s a perfect place to rest. I spread my whole body on the granite surface, lying down flat on my back. Sunlight filters through the trees as I relax in this placid spot.
Up the Winter Trail is available in print and ebook formats from Amazon and other online booksellers. Print versions are also available in Powell River at Coles bookstore. -- Margy


  1. Great description by Wayne - and wonderful photo. We had sunshine this afternoon too - and sun for all day tomorrow - I hope they are right!!!!

    1. Everything Wayne does is a potential story. He carries a small notebook to take notes as things happen. - Margy

  2. Wonderful rainbow pictures!

    1. It was there for only a brief time. I was lucky to took outside when I did. - Margy

  3. I'm so amazed at this stunning rainbow, I've never seen a rainbow borning amidst two mountains, it's truly wonderful!

    Wishing you a most lovely weekend,
    I'm sending my dearest love to you

    XOXO Daniela

    1. We often get rainbows in front of Goat Island. Our book publishing company logo is one with a double rainbow centered in front of the cabin.

  4. Really beautiful photos. Wow, that hike looks like it would be straight up!!

    1. It was both steep and slippery. I would never try it. - Margy

  5. Hey, I found your article in the Powtown Post, so now I know where 'Hole in the Wall' is! What a unique place!

    1. The quality of Google maps gets better all the time. You can see our cabin in good detail. The shot was three years back though. - Margy

  6. So beautiful. Love that you caught it right at the notch. Perhaps delivering Leprechaun gold :)


    1. Wouldn't that be nice, but hard to get even for a Leprechaun. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy