Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Cabin Cooking: Garden Fresh Salsa

This has been one of the best gardening years for me. Both my floating garden and deck pots have been producing prolific amounts of fresh vegetables to add to your meals.
Floating vegetable garden on Powell Lake.

The weather has been so warm this year, everything is about two weeks early! Right now I am harvesting beets, carrots, lettuce, chard, kale, radishes, and lots of early tomatoes. My onions have already been pulled and hung for winter storage.

Deck pots add to my growing capacity at the float cabin.

I have pots placed strategically around my cabin's many decks. That way the weight is distributed. Since our cabin floats on the water, it is a very important consideration. My snow peas have finished, but I am still harvesting beans, peppers (Anaheim, banana, and bell), zucchini, and yellow pan squash. My Yukon Gold potatoes are still maturing, but I steal a few for our BBQ dinners.

With so many tomatoes and peppers, I decided to make some fresh salsa for chips and as a condiment for meats and breakfast eggs.

Garden Fresh Salsa

Dice fresh tomatoes, Anaheim chilies (with the seeds removed), and onions. Reserve the seeds from the chilies to add heat to the salsa. Crush them with a knife and add a few at a time to taste. My Anaheim chilies have been hot ones this year. Add salt to taste and enjoy. It lasts for several days in the refrigerator, but gets devoured pretty quick. -- Margy


  1. What an amazing lifestyle! How did you fare in the storm?!

    1. One day was really windy, but the rest were just rainy. We got almost four inches (can't learn metric at this age) and the lake level went up over three feet. We have a huge watershed. - Margy

  2. I have lots of tomatoes and one jalapeno plant that just keeps on producing - 2 more peppers coming. Next year I hope to ramp it up a bit. What do you have the best luck with in pots?

    1. I do lots in pots because my garden is so small. My best producers are potatoes, beans, snow peas, peppers and squash. - Margy

  3. Replies
    1. It's been a great year with very little woodrat action. - Margy

  4. Your garden is a lot better than ours! Oh - wait! The rabbits, deer and groundhogs can't get to yours!

    1. No, but mice, woodrats and squirrels can take a huge bite, not to mention a wandering Canada Goose. - Margy

  5. It has been a wonderful and warm summer, hasn't it? I should have grown some tomatoes on the deck this year. Right now we are getting some much needed rain - buckets and buckets of it - it is pounding so hard on the skylights we can barely talk above it - yay for the rain. We were without power for 24 hours in the wind storm - but all it lit and bright now - thank goodness. How did you fare in all that wind? Is your float cabin in a protected enough cove?

    1. We got the same storm, just a few hours earlier. One day we had such strong wind that it formed water spouts. We are in a protected spot, but we can still get damage in major storms. - Margy

  6. Off topic, but I'm spending a week with Powells.

  7. Wow! Nice to see a huge bounty for you after all the hard work in getting it planted earlier in the season. Good to know about distributing the plants around the house so you don't tip over.

    1. Kind of like a boat, but with a lot more stability. - Margy

  8. Isn't it fantastic when all the plants produce lots of delicious veggies. I've still got some zucchini to pull, my peas are finished, most beans are finished except the Scarlet Runner beans and there are still a few beets to pull. I had a great crop of potatoes this year.

    1. My Scarlet Runner Beans had beautiful foliage, but very little production. Think I might change my bean variety next year. - Margy

  9. Great gardens. Good for you. Salsa recipe sounds good. We made Tomato Sauce and Stewed Tomatoes today. Next will be Creole Sauce and maybe salsa. Maybe.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy