Friday, September 04, 2015

After the Storm

Last Friday I shared the rainstorm that was heading our way here in Coastal British Columbia. A mackerel sky foretold what was to come. Little did we know that it would last a full week.
The same view as last week but with clearing skies.

We got almost four inches of rain from last Friday night through this Thursday. Because of the extensive watershed, that translated into over a three foot of increase in our lake level. We sure needed all that moisture on lake and land.

We're still having some sunny summer days, but I think the long dry spell has been broken for good. -- Margy


  1. Beautiful skies!Will be back soon and have a great sunday!


  2. Thanks everyone for stopping by and taking the time to comment. We've had lots more clouds the last week with our rain. - Margy

  3. Beautiful skies. Looks a little stormy still


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy