Friday, December 13, 2013

Sun Bathing Winter Style

These last few weeks have been unusually cold, with dustings of snow. But they've also had their share of sunshine.

Unfortunately, this time of year "sunrise" comes over the trees at 9:30 a.m. and sets over the next set of trees by noon.
As you can see, we grab what we can get, when we can get it. I like a cup of hot coffee to keep me warm while soaking up the rays.

Wayne looks like a USC Band member in his shades.

Getting sunshine in the winter is important to keep the winter blues away. It's a much more natural solution than the SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) lights they keep advertizing on the radio. -- Margy


  1. Oh my gosh, gorgeous shot of the mountain shrouded in cloud cover! You and your honey look very cozy and comfortable! :)

  2. My goodness you guys are brave to sit outside at this time of year. I use those lamps. Beautiful images!

  3. I like Wayne's Hawaii sweatshirt while he sits in the snow. And the sky over the lake is stunning!

  4. Gail - We love our cabin in all kinds of weather.

    Stephanie - Wayne gets SAD every winter. This year we are trying to get as much sun as possible, and are taking some short trips south as well.

    Spare Parts - It definitely was sunnier and warmer there in August. Guess you missed my Arizona hoodie. Thinking warm is half the battle.


  5. Anonymous5:30 AM

    If you are bundled up for the weather you can enjoy the sun in the winter. We love getting outside and I will sit on the deck steps, close my eyes and imagine it is summer :)

  6. Wow, you sure do have a short window for daylight there, I can see why you would want to be in the sunshine when it's a bright blue sky! The sun rises over the trees about 9am here, and sets over the mountains about 4ish...I used to think it was such a short day, now I'll look at it differently!

  7. Beautiful landscape and great shots for SkyWatching Friday ... Like it!
    Greetings from Bavaria by Heidrun

  8. I use a lamp I don't like the cold. LOL

  9. Linda - When it's winter, it's hard to imagine summer, but a bit of sun helps.

    Lise - It's because the cabin is in the equivalent of a water filled valley surrounded by trees. Making our own solar power this time of year is a huge challenge.

    LaVera - Lamps would be good for Wayne, but we don't generate enough power to use one (without a generator running). Guess we'll have to stick with Mother Nature for now.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy