Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cool and Crisp

I love living up the lake this time of year. Everything is cool and crisp.

The summer visitors have gone and the lake belongs to the work boats traveling through First Narrows and us. Do you like being alone? Where is your quiet spot? - Margy


  1. Hi Margy,
    Yes I love being alone. My get away spot is on our lake ---- but I find there's to many people around. Powell River would be perfect.
    Stay warm,

  2. I LOVE being alone - either on the trail with my camera or any quiet spot, tucked away with a book. Beautiful, serene photo - sigh.

  3. I don't love being alone...I'm very linked with my family... Even though the place is fabulous...great photo nicely done...


  4. what a beautiful view Margy!

  5. Gorgeous scenery. I love my own company and quiet. Being in the forest is a good quiet spot to be in.

  6. Fabulous reflection. One of my favorite places for quiet is Birch Bay State Park - on a calm or a stormy day - either one. I love to sit on the beach and look across at Vancouver Island when the air is clear. Tonight we drove to Blaine - and down by the docks - we could see the glow of Vancouver Island. I tried to capture it in a photo but couldn't quite get it - it was amazing - a little yellow glow spreading up from the island.

  7. Fabulous reflection. One of my favorite places for quiet is Birch Bay State Park - on a calm or a stormy day - either one. I love to sit on the beach and look across at Vancouver Island when the air is clear. Tonight we drove to Blaine - and down by the docks - we could see the glow of Vancouver Island. I tried to capture it in a photo but couldn't quite get it - it was amazing - a little yellow glow spreading up from the island.

  8. Thanks all for stopping by for my cool and crisp reflections post.

    Cheryl - I'm with you. Lakes (or any kind of water) are so relaxing.

    Elaine - You do get some great shots out on your trails (and travels to Newfoundland).

    Viera - I have such a small family (hubbie and cat), maybe that's why I enjoy being alone once in a while.

    Stephanie - Forests are good places to be quiet and think. We have so many good trails around here to choose from.

    JoAnn - I've been to Birch Bay, but never the park. I'll have to try that.


  9. Beautiful and serene!

  10. I like the look of cool and crisp too, Margy.

  11. In the forest with the cats!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy