Friday, April 26, 2013

Sunny Skies of Comox BC

One sunny spring day, Wayne and I took the ferry from Powell River to Comox. Sometimes we need to access "big city" services and the closest can be found across the Strait of Georgia in Comox or Courtenay. Both have quaint shops, restaurants, lodging, big stores, medical services, and much more to offer.
Comox was our destination this trip.  Before taking care of some business we had a hearty breakfast at Smitty's Restaurant and a stroll down to the Comox Bay Marina. I just love the snow capped mountains in the background, the brilliant blue sky reflected in the calm water, and the wide variety of boats.

These colourful canoes and dinghy look all ready for visitors to enjoy on a warm spring or summer day. -- Margy


  1. I love walking around the Marina, so much to look at. We buy fish and shrimp there in the evening once in a while as they generally sell around 6pm. Great pics!

  2. You were in my neighborhood, Margie, just a 25 minute walk from my home.

  3. Looks beautiful! I didn't realize how rocky (vs. sandy) the waters edge is in that area, I guess you don't go there to put your toes in the sand:)

  4. Beautiful shots!

  5. Cheapchick and Stephanie - You have a wonderful community. Wish we had a fish market at our marina. There used to be one back in about 2001, but nothing since. Once in a while someone in town sells from their home.

    Lise - We have a few sandy beaches, but you are right, mostly rocky. Probably a product of our glacial history that carved out the deep fjords and such. Savary Island in the Strait of Georgia is an exception.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy