Saturday, April 27, 2013

Eagles Take Flight

Here's another visit to Hope, BC, to view some of the murals that depict eagles in flight.
The first two are on the side of the Muskwa Gallery and Native Art Store. I like the way the mural combines fainter eagle images in the background and distinct ones soaring in front.

The last is painted on the side of a the Beadifferent store at the corner of 3 Avenue and Commission Street. It also has a First Nations theme with the eagle flying above a village on the side of the mighty Fraser River. After you enjoy the mural, stop in to see their wonderful collection of beads.

Walking around town was fun, discovering beautiful art around every corner. -- Margy


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Lovely murals!

  2. Great art on the murals!

  3. Thanks everyone for stopping by to comment on my Camera Critter post this week. I agree, he is an amazing muralist. - Margy

  4. We drove up near Hope one time - now we must finish that drive and see the murals. Thanks for sharing.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy