Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Winter Quad Ride on Goat Island

We waited a long time for a sunny weekend to go quad riding. Logging roads in working forests are available for public recreation after 6:00 pm or on weekends and holidays.

On a sunny Saturday we headed for a favourite destination, Goat Island.

We took our new Garmin VIRB Ultra30 with us. Here are three short videos from the film taken on that trip.

We left Hole in the Wall in our barge with the quads loaded out front. We headed north in calm water to Western Forest Products' Goat Island (Clover) Dock. We used their barge ramp to off-load and later on-load our quads.

We used Frog Pond Main to get up to Spire Main on the southwest side of Goat Island. On the way we encountered deep snow on the road, which surprised both of us.

After turning around we went on a spur in search of two large trees we can see on the ridge of Goat Island from our float cabin home in Hole in the Wall. We didn't succeed, but had a great ride on an older deactivated road.

Thanks for coming along on our ride. We had a very enjoyable day and learned a lot about our new camera. And later I also learned a lot about using the new version of iMovie to create my videos.

Do you create videos about your activities and adventures? What kinds of cameras and software do you use? -- Margy


  1. Thanks for taking me and all your other friends in blogland along on another fascinating adventure. Your environment is very beautiful and you obviously live a very healthy lifestyle. I have read all Wayne's books on BC but your photos and now the videos add an extra special to his stories.

    1. Glad you enjoyed both the books and the videos. You are such a faithful reader. - Margy

  2. Love that sunny weather and blue skies. A really great adventure you had! Thanks for linking up with "Through My Lens"

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Weather right now is variable, sometimes within a single day. - Margy

  3. Gosh, actual blue skies! We've a Vancouver winter rain here in Ontario!!!

    1. Easy come, easy go this time of year. - Margy

  4. It looks like fun being in those machines of yours. Love the videos!

    1. Thanks. We've had a lot of fun with our new camera. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy