Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Snowy Day at Hole in the Wall

Even though we live in British Columbia, we don't get that much snow. Our location near the coast moderates our climate.

But when we do, it's an exciting event for me. I grew up in Southern California and the closest I came to snow was looking at it high on top of the San Gabriel Mountains.

Over the weekend we had a brief period of snow. But you had to be fast, it melted almost as quick as it arrived. Here's a short video Wayne took to share with you.

How has your winter weather been? Or are you one of the lucky ones south of the equator enjoying warm summer days? -- Margy


  1. Snow is so pretty as it falls, but I am glad we get only a small amount
    Hope you are having a great week!

    1. Hope you enjoyed the snowy cabin tour. - Margy

  2. Neat! I know what you mean about the excitement of a snowfall. I live in Central Coast CA. We do get snow on the Diablo Range and the higher peaks nearby during good winter weather.

    1. I know where you live. I've been to your town, once with students furing a college airmeet. - Margy

  3. LOTS of snow over Christmas and New Years, but it had almost all disappeared by yesterday. Now it's cold and snowing again.

    1. Ours was gone by the end of the day. - Margy

  4. Lots you got some snow pictures! We've only had one day of snow so far.

    1. We sometimes get snow into March, so this might not be the last of it. - Margy

  5. You did just get a dusting. We got half a foot on Saturday then Sunday it starting raining "river of rain" they called it. Rained solid and woke up to no snow Monday - melted all of it! Good riddance, I am tired of shoveling

    1. That's one good thing about living out here on the coast. We get winter weather but it doesn't stick around for long. - Margy

  6. The first photo is beautiful, Margy. Snow when it isn't expected is a real treat, if you have a camera handy, and you did!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. I never get tired of taking pictures of Goat Island off my front porch. And I always have a camera (or two) ready all the time. - Margy

  7. Awesome views n Great pics.

  8. Your first picture is stunning. I am one of those lucky ones south of the equator enjoying Summer. the temperatures here have been erratic - from too hot to a bit too cold :)
    dropping by from the ourworldtuesday linkup.

    1. We can see a definite change in the amount of sunlight already. Spring is on the way. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy