Friday, July 14, 2017

Kurt and His Husky on Floats

We had a friend come visit us at the float cabin this week. He arrived in a very special way. It was Kurt in his Christen (Aviat) Husky floatplane.
Wayne with Kurt and his Husky floatplane at our new dock.

He dropped in from a beautiful mackerel sky and landed right in front our our breakwater.

You can see the long floats under his wings.

Then he taxied in through the opening and docked at our new front deck. The parking spot was perfect, with his wing just fitting over the top of our main deck.

Touchdown, or should I say splashdown.

He stayed for dinner before returning to Courtney Airpark where is is camping next to his airplane after pulling it up onto the grass with a special tug.

An engine off glide into the dock with perfect precision.

He'll be returning next week after some more Coastal BC exploring. -- Margy


  1. Those float planes are so cool!! Great pics.

    1. I can imagine. My plane has wheels and it's a blast.

  2. Great way to receive friends! I would have liked to have seen him, as I don't a have a Husky in my photo collection.

  3. Fabulous scenery!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy