Friday, September 02, 2016

Morning Glory

I've been getting up in time to watch sunrise lately. That's not so bad. The sun doesn't crest Goat Island until 8:50 am this time of year.
Morning sunrise reflection on the lake.

One morning this week when I went out on the cabin deck, I saw the sunrise reflection in the calm lake surface.

Wispy clouds broke the rays of sunshine into a colourful halo.

When I looked up, I saw the same rainbow reflections in the cloudy halo surrounding the rising sun. It was the start of a glorious morning. -- Margy


  1. Glorious captures! Lovely!

  2. How neat, Margy, good eye.

  3. Gets right to the soul.

  4. Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment. It was good that I captured sunrise when I did, we've had a week of clouds and rain. But I can't complain too much, our forests really need the moisture. - Margy

  5. What interesting colors in the sky! I don't think I've ever seen this sort of prisma effect in clouds - very cool!

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  6. What a great sky and reflection. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. How beautiful! What fun!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy