Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Pollen Art

In Spring, there's lots of pollen produced in the nearby forest. Some of the heavy producers are alder, fir, pine, and hemlock.

Powell Lake is soon covered in a bright yellow scum. At first glance it looks like a mess, but on second thought ....
the wind and currents create some really artful forms.

The the rocky shoreline gets a bright yellow ring along the high water mark.

It'll take a lot of scrubbing to get rid of that ring around the tub. Mother Nature better get out her biggest scrub brush. -- Margy


  1. We have this, too. The water barrels, which collects roof water, brought it al into the goldfish pond! :-)

    1. We still have a ring around our rock wall after almost a month. Mother Nature may need some help from my stiff broom. - Margy

  2. It really is beautiful! I thought we had a lot of pollen in Vermont!
    - Nancy

    1. The heavy pollen lasted a few weeks, them it was gone except for the ring on the rock. - Margy

  3. Glorious photos. Lake Whatcom has some fancy designs on windy days too - but our car gets the worst of it - pollen so thick you'd begin to think our black car is pale yellow. I guess that is one of the things we put up with for the lovely location near the woods - and it is soon good. Loved the comment about Mother Nature's big scrub brush.

    1. For some reason it never stuck to our truck parked at the marina. Maybe the wind blew it a different direction. - Margy

  4. That is impressive!! Our cars get covered and so does the porch and patio furniture but I've never seen it on water like that.

    1. In between pollen dustings we had rain and it made the yellow stick to our painted deck boards. We couldn't even scrub it off, but time is taking care of it. - Margy

  5. Wow that is amazing. We live by the forest but although we see the pollen evidence nothing like that.

    1. Guess it's a good thing I don't have allergies to it. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy