Saturday, May 07, 2016

Making a Nesting Material Bag to Attract Birds

Each year we have Tree Swallows and Violet-Green Swallows come to use our birdhouses for nest building.

This year I decided to give them some alternatives to the grass and moss we see them carry in.

I saved hair from my brush and cut yarn into short lengths. I separated the four-ply yarn lengths to make each section thinner and easier for the Swallows to fly with.

I used a small mesh bag that I got my onion sets in. I put the jumbled up yarn and hair inside the bag and used tweezers to pull some partway out to tantalize the birds.
Using tweezers to pull yarn and hair through the mesh for easy grabbing.

I hung the bag from the railing on our bridge to shore. This spot is almost directly under the birdhouses on the shed wall. I haven't seen any action yet, but birdhouse selection and nest building is still a week or so away.

The mesh bag of nest building material hanging from the bridge railing.

The All About Birds website has lots more information about attracting birds and helping them with nest building. Some addition items you can provide include: grass, leaves, twigs, fur, plant fluff, strips of cloth, and shredded paper. -- Margy


  1. That's a great idea Margy. I do it too, and one year got a photo of the yarn hanging out of the birdhouse.

    1. I hope to see some action soon. They are very busy nest building right now. The Barn Swallows arrived yesterday and are looking for a spot. Hope they don't pick over our picnic table or the front door. We're open to about anything else. - Margy

  2. Hello Margy, that is a great idea. I put out some hair from my old dog Goldie Girl. I love the sweet swallows. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

    1. I'm still waiting to catch someone taking a hunk of yarn. - Margy

  3. I have been thinking of doing that for some time. All I managed to do this week is fill my bird feeders. It is certainly a great idea.

    1. I've seen pictures of suet feeders filled with stuff. That would be easy. - Margy

  4. Oh the birdies will love this

    1. Think you better come up here and tell them that. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy