Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Our Cabin Highlighted on "Small House Bliss"

Our float cabin home on Powell Lake was recently featured on a website called Small House Bliss. I enjoy sharing our off-the-grid lifestyle and they were so gracious to give us this opportunity.

You can see more small houses, cabins, and cottages online at Small House Bliss and their Facebook page. Wayne and I want to thank them for highlighting our home in such a thorough manner.

If you would like to learn more about our float cabin home and the Powell River region, check out these books from Wayne's Coastal BC Stories series. They're all available in print and e-book formats.
Up the Lake (free for Kindle at Amazon.com)
Farther Up the Lake
Off the Grid
Cabin Number 5
You can also see videos about cabin life at our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment or send an email through the link on my profile page. -- Margy


  1. That's a great photo of your home.

  2. Your place is looking simply wonderful! You two do everything well and right!

    1. It's a work in progress. We've always got a new idea, plus there's ongoing maintenance that we have to keep up with. - Margy

  3. Wonderful photo of your house - love that rock cliff. Nice feature of your house - I'm sure that others who are interested in float houses enjoyed it too.

    1. When we were told about the cabin, the person said we wouldn't like it because of the cliff rather than a beach. We loved it because of the cliff. We can get to shore with our stairs, and who needs a beach when you have all that deck space. - Margy

  4. Love the tour of your float cabin, such a neat lifestyle! But what do you mean about a zoom zoom car and winding country roads?

    1. He got a two seat Mazda Miata. Their ad say zoom zoom. - Margy

  5. Fascinating!
    I had no idea there were homes like this.
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/03/dominica-caribbean-jewel.html

    1. There are places around the world where floating homes are used, but in Coastal BC they began as easily moved logging and fishing camps. - Margy

  6. Congratulations! That's a nice photo too.

  7. What a beautiful house, and a fantastic lifestyle choice.

  8. You guys work so hard! A neighbour , walking by, said they didn't buy our 16 acres as the property was 'too much work!' Most of it, as you know, is wetland and forest!

    1. That's what I enjoy about our shore area, I get to enjoy it without any work. - Margy

  9. Hello my new friend,
    what a lovely blog you have !
    First of all I love to thank you for the beautiful comment you left on ~ My little old world ~ and then, finding myself here, I cannot help but to follow you !

    May your day be filled with love and wonder

    P.S.: Congrats on your feature !!!

    1. Thanks for the follow. Please leave a comment or use email in my profile if you have any questions. - Margy

  10. How wonderful to be featured on this small house website, and to be helpful in answering questions to others who hope to live on a house boat. Your life there sounds very happy, Margy! It's nice to live close to nature.

    1. We looked for a place to retire for years, but when we saw the cabin we knew immediately that it was right for us. - Margy

  11. There are some lovely photos on the site, you home is becoming very famous xxx


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy