Saturday, November 07, 2015

Bush Bean Bonanza

This is the last of my bush bean crop for the year. After my snow peas quit producing in July, I fertilized the soil and planted bean seeds.

I started picking at the end of September and I've had enough beans from this one barrel quite a few dinners.

You can see the plastic mesh that I use as a critter deterrent. If I don't protect my deck pots, the woodrats that arrive in October would get to enjoy the beans instead of us.

Next year I'm going to buy more plastic mesh for the rest of my deck pots. They don't look as nice that way, but it's the only way to keep our local critters out of the larder. -- Margy


  1. The mesh is a great idea and if it helps keep the critters away then it is worth it not looking so pretty.

    1. I just had to transfer my mesh to my cedar tree on the deck. The woodrat decided that would make perfect nesting material up in the shed. I've been caring for that tree for four years! -- Margy

  2. You are clever and thrifty!

    1. Probably they are pretty expensive beans after I add in the cost of the mesh, seeds, fertilizer, etc. But they do taste good. - Margy

  3. Oh I love fresh beans - and what a clever way to keep them safe.

    1. Woodrats and mice are my worst enemies on the deck. They can mow just about anything down overnight. - Margy

  4. Fresh beans are the best to have around.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. Your beans look wonderful! We had a late crop going, too, until the gate blew open and the deer came dining. But I left the plants in the ground and they made a comeback - just one small meal before the frost hit us hard this week and took them out.

    1. At least I don't have to contend with deer. My garden is done except for kale, chard, carrots and beets that will stay in the ground through winter. We don't get as much frost or snow, so they usually last. - Margy

  6. We use the same meah tp protect the beans in our veggie garden. Ended up with a great crop too!

    1. I'm making plans to use it up on my cliffside garden for next summer. The critters are the worst up there. - Margy

  7. Is this mesh purchased at the gardening center? I will for it next year.

    1. I got mine at Canadian Tire in the garden department. - Margy

  8. The mesh looks like it worked! Our deer finally got mine but they were not protected.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy