Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Swimming Pool Weather

This summer has had many great days for swimming. Our "pool" is a natural part of the lake with it's own granite beach.
We aren't the only ones who enjoy a good swim on a hot summer day.

Bro, John's faithful dog, came for a visit and really appreciated a dip to get his hot black coat cool again. Bro is an old man as dogs go, but in the water he acts like a young pup. -- Margy


  1. Dogs love the water. I still can't get Buddy to swim but he does like a good wade. He seems to go in further and further each time we take him to the beach :)

  2. Alfie loves a good swim and the water is good for them especially as they get older as the exercise is good for their joints. Mind you, that goes for people too! X

  3. Is this a secret location? Thanks for your kind words on my blog. I'm bouncing back, thank goodness.

  4. I could do with a dip in that lovely lake as we are having a really hot and humid week ... temperatures with humid are pushing 40 Celsius.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy