Tuesday, July 21, 2015

National Weather Service Rain Gauge

This summer we had a guest at our cabin. John used to teach with Wayne at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, California. He's an avid pilot and motorcyclist. This year he came north on his bike.

John's a retired Fire Captain. His station was responsible for providing the US National Weather Service with updates including measuring the amount of rain. When equipment became obsolete, they gave it to him.
Painting the outside of the massive rain gauge.
John knows how much Wayne enjoys monitoring the weather. They were both aeronautical instructors teaching aviation weather courses. John had an extra antique rain gauges, so he loaded it on his bike before heading north.

The bronze gauge was in excellent condition, but silver paint on the outside was peeling. Wayne sanded it and added a new coat.

Next was a mount for the cabin deck. We can get some nasty winds. Our other good friend John took on the task. He tried every plumbing and builders supply store in town. John never gives up. He went to the auto wreckers and found what he needed, but the pipe was crushed.

Dropping the US rain gauge into its new Coastal BC home.

He removed the dents, mounted it on a plywood base, and painted it yellow (Wayne loves colour). We picked it up ready to install down to the drilled screw holes. John's a good man!

Thank you John and John! Now Wayne's all set to keep his monthly rain records going for many years to come. -- Margy


  1. Enjoy that weather gauge, I'm sure it will be great fun to observe.

  2. Wonderful project - what a great friend - and now we'll all know how much rain you get. Don't you wish we'd get some now - it has been so parched these past 6 weeks and nothing much in sight. I am ready for some good steady Pacific Northwest rain!

    1. We sure need some rain. Hope the forecast is right, but this is our Seafair weekend. Kind of a mixed feeling about getting it rained on. - Margy

  3. I always wanted a good rain gauge, it would have been interesting to have during this last three months of almost continual rain. I see the published reports but that's not at my house.

    1. Thunderstorms can be very localized. We love recording weather happenings. In fact, Wayne has three rain gauges. Maybe a bit of overkill. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy