Thursday, June 25, 2015

Summer Showers

Of course we like summer sun, but with the minimal snow pack this year it's nice to have some showers in between.

Looking south on Powell Lake from the sandy beach at First Narrows. We got a little rain, but hardly enough to moisten the soil. -- Margy


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Linda. We love our view on the lake, but it is restricted by Goat Island. Going down to the lower lake gives us a much larger view. - Margy

  2. We would like some rain here too - it is supposed to be over 90 on the 4th of July - and in the upper 80s most of the next 10 days - and we have company coming for 2 weeks - where is our cooler PNW weather?

    1. We've been up at the cabin for an entire week with no internet. Now that I'm back in town for a short break looks like the cooler weather has arrived. We ended up sleeping in our tent on the deck to stay cool! - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy