Sunday, December 07, 2014

Waiting for the Cut

Logging boom pen waiting for the next cut.
A crisp fall day at the Goat Island Dunn dock on Powell Lake, BC. -- Margy


  1. I can just feel the nip in the air as I look at this shot. Nice!

  2. Fabulous photo - I loved the log booms when I was a kid. Sometimes we would try and walk on them without falling into the water. We never did that when they were full, too much danger of falling between logs and not being able to get out - but walking the edges was fun - if not scary. But then kids like a good scare now and then.

  3. JoAnn - I led such a sheltered life growing up in the city. Now my balance is so bad I wouldn't dare try. But our friend John is amazing even is old worn out boots with slick soles. - Margy

  4. I say it every time, but I know it's heartwarming!
    Your piece of the world is amazing.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy