Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fiddlehead Dock on Powell Lake

Our next trip with the barge and quads was to the Fiddlehead dock, named for nearby Fiddlehead Farm that produced food for the early Powell River area, a 60's "hippie" commune owned by Mark Vonnegut who wrote The Eden Express, an eco-resort until 2002, then sold again and logged.

Fiddlehead Farm is a frequent lunch stop for Powell River quad riders. The buildings are gone, but a grassy meadow still has scattered apple trees.

I couldn't resist, but the apples weren't as tasty as I remembered.

We followed Giovanno (sometimes spelled Giovanni) Main south to work our way over to the Lewis Lake camp- ground. We started up towards the free Tin Hat cabin, but turned back (I'm still scared of steep conditions).

We accessed Lewis Main but went around the back side of the lake rather than taking Spring Main to the campground. The last time we rode in this area was 2007. That time we approached from Goat Lake Main using our truck and trailer.  Things change and memories fade. We backtracked over the same route with a short excursion up Deep Lake Main. There's lots to explore another day. Camping at the dock was beautiful and quiet.

The next morning we broke camp before our ride. Wayne was fueling the quads while I took down the tent. To my dismay, one of the tent poles shot out like and arrow and landed out of sight in about 20 feet of water. That put a damper on things, but the ride along Rainbow Main buoyed my spirits.

Years ago I rode Rainbow Main with disastrous results. I was petrified of heights and newly logged sections had very steep drop-offs. Both Wayne and John thought I might never be able to ride again (Up the Main "Quad Acrophobia").  I'm better now, just not 100% as John would say. This time I really enjoyed the views and forest regrowth.
Overlooking the mouth of Goat Lake from Rainbow Main.
We explored a spur that followed the south shore of the Goat River. Someone has maintained this old logging road, probably to access fishing spots along the way.

When we got back to the barge ramp we went "fishing" for the tent pole. With sun reaching down into the depths, and a good aim with a fishing lure, Wayne snagged our prize and we now have our tent back to use on future trips. YEA!!! -- Margy


  1. Good on you that you found your tent pole back.. You have an. eventful life in beautiful surroundings. Thank you for sharing!
    Have a great week!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  2. Lucky you to find that tent pole. Sounds like a great time in beautiful scenery.

  3. What a gorgeous place !

  4. How many of the places you mention would we be able to get close to by car? I'm willing to hike in for maybe 2 hours. Like you I'm not a fan of of steep climbs whether I'm on wheels or my own two feet.

  5. That's a beautiful spot.

  6. What a great trip. Such fun!

  7. Congratulations on retrieving the tent pole, you would have had to come up with something else I suppose. Good thing it worked out.

  8. That looks like a great trip - though I'm with you about steep climbs and drop offs. The scenery is gorgeous. And I'm glad you "fished" out the tent pole.

  9. You have such adventures!
    I found, after I went on antidepressants, I could even park on a hill. Just yesterday, doing the lawn, I noticed I didn't have the fears I had.
    I wouldn't be brave enough to do this, though!

  10. Looks like everyone enjoyed the tent pole story. You don't know how relieved I was when we fished it back out. We lost two other items on that trip. Wayne's camera case went missing. We must have left it sitting on one of the quads and it flew off to parts unknown. The other thing was Wayne's reading red glasses. After we got home and couldn't find them, he remembered kicking something overboard when he got up in the middle of the night. We went back and found the glasses under the dock. He got out his trusty fishing pole and snagged the glasses after quite a few tries. All the time we were fishing for the them, we could see the real fish ignoring our lure and giving us the fishy evil eye. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy