Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Quad Ride on Shermans Main

Our next quad ride with the barge on Powell Lake was north to Shermans Main.  You get there after going through Second Narrows.

The Shermans dock and barge ramp are located next to the historic Rainbow Lodge. It once was a retreat for the local paper mill managers and their guests. Today it's privately owned as the Rainbow Recovery Retreat.

We offloaded and took the barge and tin boat to the dock. Even though it was a beautiful calm summer day, we had it all to ourselves.

Because we were staying two nights, we broke our ride into two parts. The first afternoon we headed northwest up an older section of Shermans Main. There were large second growth trees, areas of regrowth, and a few new sections of road with open slashes.
Powell Lake viewpoint looking south towards the Bunster Hills.

Day two we started our ride after breakfast to beat the heat.

This time we went southeast along the section of Shermans Main that parallels Powell lake opposite the north side of Goat Island.

Again, we found new and old sections of road bordered by trees in different stages of regrowth. One section was littered with huge boulders left behind by Ice Age glaciers that ground their way to the ocean.

We even passed the river that becomes Rainbow Falls as it cascades over a granite cliff into Powell Lake. It's signature rainbow in the spray must be where it got its name. When we got back to the barge, the sun was really cooking.

We went swimming several times and set up a tarp, but ended up taking our tin boat across the lake to the shady side of Goat Island to read.

Just before sunset it was cool enough to return to our home for the night, enjoy a pina colada, and fix dinner.

Now that is what I call a staycation. -- Margy


  1. The scenery is just amazing!

  2. Thanks Jenn, you are a faithful reader and commenter. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy