Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cabin Cooking: Easy Zucchini Casserole

I enjoy making new things for dinner up at the cabin. Recently, I saw an interesting recipe on Crafty Gardener’s blog. I tried it and it was great. Too bad I didn’t grow any of my own zucchini, but two medium store-bought ones did the trick.

Zucchini Casserole
2 cups sliced zucchini
1/3 sweet onion diced
3 eggs well beaten
2 cups grated mozzarella cheese
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 Italian sausage crumbled (my addition)
2 thinly sliced tomatoes
1 package of crescent rolls
Saute the onion, zucchini, and mushrooms. Remove any liquid. Remove Italian sausage from casing, crumble, and cook thoroughly. Set all aside to cool slightly.

Thinly slice tomatoes. I used Romas from my garden. Remove any excess seeds. Set aside.

Grate cheese. I didn’t have enough mozzarella so I added some Colby. I think it added to the flavour. Set aside.

Beat eggs and mix in cheese, zucchini mixture, and Italian sausage.

Press half of the crescent rolls in the bottom of a lightly greased 9X12 inch baking dish. I got the Pillsbury Grands Crescent Rolls package and half fit perfectly.

Spoon the egg, cheese, sausage, and vegetable mixture over the top of the bottom crescent roll crust. Layer the sliced tomatoes on top.

Cut the last two crescent rolls in half to make four large triangles. Cover the top leaving a small gap in between for the mixture below to peak through.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until the top is golden brown. Cut and serve warm. This made two large servings for our dinner plus two extras for later in the week.

I didn’t use any salt or spices, but you can adjust that to your taste. All of the cheese made it plenty salty for us.

Thanks Linda for a great (and easy) dinner suggestion. -- Margy


  1. It looks appetizing!

  2. I wish I could! Hubby's intolerant to eggs, dairy, mushroooms.

  3. Anonymous3:18 PM

    glad you enjoyed it Margy

  4. That looks tasty and easy! I might try this one. Cheers!

  5. This looks lovely and I am going to veganize it by using egg substitute and vegan sausages/cheese, thank you for the inspiration xxx

  6. Yes Fran - it would be an easy recipe to make vegetarian.

    Thanks again Linda. I think next time I am going to make it like a chili rellano with green peppers instead of the zucchini. I'll let everyone know how it turns out.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy