Friday, May 02, 2014

Powell Lake Floating Garden

Head on over to Susan's blog As Long As You Have a Garden today and you will see a post about our floating garden up at the float cabin on Powell Lake.
Susan has a five acre property just outside of Powell River. She is very active in community activities, especially those related to gardening, and food security and sustainability. Thanks Susan for the opportunity to write a guest post. -- Margy


  1. Great post on Susan's blog Margy! How nice to be featured like that, congrats:)

  2. That photo is really beautiful! Thanks for posting it. I have been reading some of Wayne's books and your blog and photos make them even more interesting.

  3. That was great - I love to learn more about how you live up there. Wonderful fabulous photo too!!

  4. Wonderful post on Susan's blog today. Love the view from up high looking down at your floating garden.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy