Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mini-Entertainment Center

In April, we got a 24" television to use at the cabin as a large monitor for Wayne's laptop so we could watch (and hear) movies better.
Now that TVs are so thin and light, it was easy to find a place for it.

When we use our mini-entertainment center, we carry it, on the homemade stand John made for us, and put it right in front of the sofa.

But when it's not in use, we store it along the wall next to the stairs.

For protection, we store it with the screen facing the wall.

I wanted something more to keep off the dust, and to give it greater protection. I purchased a tablecloth at the thrift store over a year ago, and now I had a use for it.

I cut the material and stitched the mini-entertainment center cover. It was a simple afternoon task that I could complete while soaking up some spring sunshine. Work doesn't get much better than that. -- Margy


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    great idea making a cover as tvs are dust magnets

  2. Changing world and you both are being so creative ~ great ideas and post for OWT ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Your cabin is getting more and more comfy - no wonder you don't even want to leave in winter!

  4. How simple yet ingenious!

  5. I did the same, although I don't move it around. Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  6. I have never seen a tv cover before but what a brilliant idea xxx


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy