Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cabin Life March Photo Contest

Voting for the March Cabin Life Magazine March Photo Contest ended Sunday, March 23.  It was an honour to have our float cabin home as a finalist.
I want to thank everyone who took the time to vote. I appreciate your support. -- Margy


  1. Margy-do you think tourism would put this on their facebook? It makes a neat story.

  2. Good idea--what Susan said.

    Earlier we had some varmint digging up the Crocus bulbs. Even before they were out of the ground. We thought a rabbit or vole or something like that---well it was BlueJays. they were digging in the ground, flipping leaves over and ultimately digging up the crocus. So maddening. But at least we know. We will just lay small chicken wire over the area early early Spring.
    Have fun in the Sunshine.
    Love the fog shots too. MB

  3. Darn, I wish I had known about this contest, you would have had my vote. People often do win out over objects in photo contests, it is a good picture. But I can see them at their campfire on a little outcropping in your "back yard":)


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy