Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Float Cabin Anchor Cable Repair Part I

Following our good friend John, Wayne and I learn lots about float cabin construction. Recently, we went along on an anchor cable repair job.

Float cabins are secured to shore with either heavy ropes or steel cables. John is of the steel cable persuasion. But even hefty cables rust and weaken over time.

Then, if there's a strong wind, they can break. This cable wore thin and broke right in the middle. When it's happened at our cabin, they've broken at shore anchor bolts and cabin connections. No matter where it breaks, an anchor cable must be quickly repaired.

First, John used a long rope as a temporary solution. Then he ordered new cable for a permanent fix.

Wayne and I met up with John at the Shinglemill Marina just as he was loading the heavy spool onto the back of his boat. John is very resourceful, but cable is VERY heavy.

At the cabin, Wayne helped John unroll the cable. Using cable clamps and a socket wrench, John made a loop to attach one end of the cable to a large chain at the corner of the cabin. He recited his saying, "never saddle a dead horse" to remind us of the proper clamp placement.
Once it was "John tight," he was ready for phase two of the installation.

Come back tomorrow to see how the heavy cable was transported across the water to it's cliff-side anchor. -- Margy


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    It is so important to learn all these tricks of the trade about float cabin living Lucky you have John to teach you.

  2. It is good that you have a friend that help in these matters.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy