Friday, January 10, 2014

Farther Up the Lake

Wayne and I took our Hewescraft farther up the lake (now you know where the book title comes from) last week. At our cabin, the sun sets behind the trees at 11:30 am. Yet, the sun was shining bright out beyond the narrows.
Out on the lake, there was still plenty of "warm" sunshine to enjoy. We headed to the dock at Olsen's Landing to take a short hike up the logging road. At the bridge over Olsen Creek, we could see some of the the results of recent winter rains heading for Powell Lake.

We sure need it! The lake is the lowest we've seen for any January. -- Margy


  1. How very TWIN PEAKS!!!! I love it. I watched 13 of your 74 vids, Margy. The thunderstorm was my fave so far! Thanks for visiting my blog. Please do come back.

  2. Love those mountain peaks over the lake!

  3. Wow, Margy, I had the sound up on my computer and the roar of that water woke up my dog, my husband, and several neighbours.
    Well, okay, just the dog. My husband is becoming quite deaf and won't wear his hearing aids at home.
    Meanwhile, I agree with Spare Parts, those mountain peaks are gorgeous. I'm getting homesick.
    I'm glad you and Wayne are enjoying January at the lake. SUCH a wonderful way of life.

  4. So love all the blue tones in your scenic first photo. And enjoyed the rushing, busy sound of water in your video.

  5. It looks beautiful!!!!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy