Saturday, December 07, 2013

Fill 'er up, please!

Stick Tail is getting to be a good traveler.  He used to be very reluctant, but now that he has more experience, he hardly seems to mind.
Once a week he takes a ride to and from town with us. Now that it's winter, we can't leave him home alone overnight. It get very cold inside the cabin without a fire in the woodstove.

We usually try to go straight up the lake, but last weekend we needed to get gas in the boat before we left the marina.  Doesn't Stick look like he is enjoying the experience? I even think I heard him say, "Fill 'er up, check the oil, and don't forget the windshield." -- Margy


  1. It does look like Stick is getting to be a good traveler. When we were kids we had a cat that would jump out of the boat and swim to shore - or would just jump in the water for a little swim. We called her Otter. (Yes, she really was a cat).

  2. Yes, I see he is a happy traveller. Still has some of his nine lives to enjoy and experience new adventures in his life.

  3. They really are adaptable, even as adults. Aren't you relieved! :=-)

  4. JoAnn - That's amazing. I had a cat fall into a spa once, but I'm not sure his feet even hit the water he was out so fast. Otter sounds like a good name. We've seen otters around our cabin a few times. They are such beautiful creatures.

    Stephanie - I think Stick has used up almost all nine by now, but we will enjoy every day he has left.

    Jenn - We are very relieved. After I wrote this post we took him back to the States in our new truck. He didn't get car sick like he usually does, and he even drank water once along the way. Because it's an eight hour trip we worry about dehydration for such an old cat.


  5. Stick Tail is lucky that you guys took him in when your mom passed. I bet his presence brings you much comfort during these first holidays without your mom. Thinking of you!

  6. Stick Tail is lucky that you guys took him in when your mom passed. I bet his presence brings you much comfort during these first holidays without your mom. Thinking of you!


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy