Sunday, November 17, 2013

Islands in the Sun

This time of year, our skies are usually cloudy or foggy. Occasionally, they are brilliantly clear. Recently, we headed down the lake on calm water with bright blue above, and beautiful reflections below.
Cassiar Island in the foreground with a small cabin on the shore.

On our way, we passed .75 acre Cassiar Island. Before the dam at the mill, installed in the early 1900s, Cassiar was larger and the site of a produce farm for the new town of Powell River. Now it's privately owned with two cabins and several outbuildings. A warning light on the west shore guides logging crew boats (and cabin owners).

Goat Island on the right with fog still hanging in First Narrows.

Next is huge Goat Island that makes Powell Lake circumnavigate its steep shores. And yes, you can see mountain goats climbing its towering cliffs on the north shore. Goat was instrumental in the creation of Powell Lake, forcing ice age glaciers around its resilient granite outcroppings. Grinding ice and embedded rock carved a deep fjord all the way around on it's way to the sea.

Our cabin looks out on the southwest shore. The triple rounded peaks remind me of a sleeping sea monster. Yes, sea monster. At the bottom of Powell Lake is ancient sea water trapped after the glaciers receded. Goat Island the first thing we see every morning, and the last view we get every night. When we see Goat, we know we're home. -- Margy


  1. It is beautiful where you live.

  2. The sky sure was beutiful yesterday. These winter sunny days are to be treasured that is for sure. I love the reflection like glass on the water. Cheers!

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Those are spectacular photos Margy ... such still water to give those reflections.

  4. It really is beautiful!

  5. Stunning photos - simply amazing. I reread the post about the trapped sea water - that is an amazing story.

  6. We haven't made it to goat island yet. I hope we can explore sometime next summer.

  7. Those reflections really are stunning as is the landscape! Thanks for visiting me.

  8. Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting on my reflections post.

    JoAnn - The trapped sea water is an amazing thing to me. So much geologic history here.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy