Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Up the Lake" in the News

Every once in a while, the story about how Wayne and I came to live in a float cabin on Powell Lake hits the press.  Not long ago, I was approached by a good friend here in Powell River. Barb Rees is a local author. In addition to her books, she also writes articles for magazine. Here's one she recently submitted to Senior Living Magazine: From LA to Up the Lake.
Thanks Barb. It was fun to work with you on this project.

Barb and her husband Dave just got home from another across-Canada trip. She's already written several books about previous RV adventures. Check them out:

RV Canada on a Dime and a Dream
RV Canada with Boo the Menopausal Van
RV Canada's Far North on a Dream
RV Canada and the Polar Bear Dream

I know a new book is already in the works. Watch her website for updates. - Margy


  1. Well, now that you've been featured in Senior Living, Wayne might want to write some articles for them. Maybe "teasers" featuring his science fiction books and where to buy them online.
    Dunno if he'd want to write anything that might encourage an influx of residents to your peaceful area, however. We used to tease my dad that his stories about San Felipe led to the place losing its character as a shrimp-fishing village and becoming a tourist destination.
    Guess you are battening down the hatches for the onset of winter. Are you planning to overwinter on the lake? Do you still have the condo in Bellingham? Or do I remember something about an apartment in Powell River?

  2. How awesome to have someone write about your living choice and life's adventures. I can relate completely with your decision to move to the lake...our nirvana is the mountains!

  3. I will have to look for the magazine.

  4. Thanks all for stopping by to comment. It was fun to work with Barb on this project.

    Kay - Not sure Wayne would like writing magazine articles. I think about it once in a while, but never get around to trying much. I spend most of my writing time blogging.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy