Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fall Comes in with a Bang

Or at least several claps of thunder.  On Monday, up at the cabin, we had one of the heaviest downpours in a long time. The thunderstorm was short lived, but packed quit a punch and gave us about a quarter of an inch of rain in about ten minutes, not to mention the pelting hail.  Here's what it sounded like under our tin roof.

In the end, Mother Nature graced us with a beautiful rainbow. Just a hint that a nicer afternoon wasn't far away.

How's the weather where you are?  Did Fall come in with a bang where you are? -- Margy


  1. That is some pelting rain ! and what beautiful bonsai - then, a rainbow to boot - marvelous !

  2. I love the sound of rain on the roof, it makes me feel all cosy! The rainbow is stunning xxx

  3. Anonymous12:11 AM

    That's some downpour! Lovely.

  4. Wow, you did get it good! We are experiencing much cooler weather at the cabin, but no hail yet. We do need our cozy wood burning stove heating us up though. Well, actually Johny does, as I am at our river place right now...and frankly it is hot and humid and causing me to long for fall and the cabin!

  5. Quite the downpour you had and too early.

  6. It came in with a bang here too - thunder and lightening and RAIN - but then we're not all that far from you - so it was expected.

    The warm temperatures sure took a dive - I'd rather have more sunny days through at least part of next month - one can always hope.

  7. Thanks everyone for stopping by to comment. I guess we are all wishing for an Indian Summer to come before real winter arrives. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy