Sunday, August 04, 2013

Float Garden on CBC Radio North by Northwest

This morning we started the day with North by Northwest, a popular CBC radio program.  Margaret Gallagher guest hosted for program regular Sheryl MacKay.
Wayne and I listen to CBC radio at our float cabin home. We may be too far from town for television, but radio comes in just fine. You can give CBC a listen using this Internet streaming link.

In July, NXNW Associate Producer Willow Yamauchi joined us at our float cabin for an interview about our off-the-grid lifestyle, and my floating garden. Both were highlighted in today's on-air program. Thanks Willow for including us on this iconic BC program.

Click here for a link to the interview portion of the program. NOTE: The audio player will come up in a separate window.

Willow was the perfect person for this interview. She grew up locally (near Lund) and in a float home (on the ocean). She could really relate to our experiences. You might enjoy reading Willow's book about that time of her life, Adult Child of Hippies.

Want to know more about Wayne and my off-the-grid lifestyle in a float cabin on Powell Lake in Coastal BC? Here are links to several books. They are all available in print or e-book formats.

Up the Lake (the book that started it all)
Farther up the Lake
Off the Grid
Cabin Number 5

If you have any questions, please let me know. -- Margy


  1. I loved the interview - it was great to hear your voice. It was very interesting.

    And then I ordered Willow's book - it sounds so interesting.


  2. Thanks JoAnn - Willow was a great person for the interview. We talked a lot about how she grew up in a float cabin. Some of the things were the same, and some were different because it was on the ocean. It must have been an exciting childhood. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy