Monday, July 08, 2013

Sharpening the Saw

This year we'll be spending more time at the float cabin during the winter, so we need to put more wood in our floating woodshed. Usually we wait until fall, but this year we got an early start. Snow melt raises the lake, and gets wood previously trapped on shore floating again. As likely chunks pass, we select some for cutting.

I used to be in charge of sharpening the chain saw, but since Wayne got his new filing guide, I'm out of a job. Over the years, we've become more proficient at doing the chores needed for off-the-grid living. Preparing our own firewood is one of them. Without a chainsaw, that would be a daunting task.

We used to depend on our good friend John for any and all chainsaw mishaps. But Wayne can now change the bar and tighten the chain on his own. Plus, he does all of the regular maintenance. But while Wayne was fixing the chain during our last cut, he lost a nut through a crack in the deck. John came to the rescue on his next visit up the lake with a replacement in his pocket. Thanks John!

We like to organize our wood as we go. Stove size chunks get stacked in the back on the left, ready to start drying. Smaller kindling size pieces get stacked on the right. Larger chunks are placed closer to the front to dry before splitting. That's my Yardworks electric splitter under the green tarp, ready to go. You can see it in action by clicking here.

For sure, the wood will keep us Kozi Warm all winter. -- Margy


  1. This is such healthy, outdoor, hard work living! I weeded the garden today...

  2. Great to be organized ahead of time. How is the kitty?

  3. It feels so good to get our wood stored early when it is nice and dry. We are continuing our work. The shed is almost full. Next we will start storing wood on our raft as a backup for late winter. Come back for more about that later. - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy