Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Let summer come one of these days!

The summer pool (lake) toys are out, waiting for the showers to change to warm sun.
I'm ready too, how about you? -- Margy


  1. So ready! We have sunshine today and are going to walk on the beach later after doing a bunch of outside/inside work. What a bit of a dreary June but the forecast says seven days of pure sunshine!!

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    We had a lot of rain early in June, but lately the weather has been lovely. Hope the sun breaks through for you soon.

  3. We have had wind, rain and cold up to today and now it's 26 degrees, madness this weather! Hope you get some sun soon xxx

  4. Impressive, the pattern drawn by those wave... Yes summertime is here, at last : time to enjoy it !

  5. We finally have sunshine here in Bellingham - 81 yesterday - two more days in the 80s and then back to the mid 70s - but still sunny for 10 days or so - at last.

    Love the lake toys!

  6. It is sunny and hot here in Comox, Margy. We did have an awful lot of rain recently, love your little duck.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Cute duck!

  8. We've been getting drenched here too...fortunately we get some sun in between storms to help the garden, which is looking good these days. I love your pic of rain drops on the lake, very cool. Hopefully, you'll be able to play with your water toys soon:)

  9. I so miss the lake, not the neighbours. I'm happy playing in my pond. I am happy to virtually enjoy your water!

  10. Been up the lake away from the Internet for a bit. Now with all the summer heat and dry forests, we are praying for a bit of rain. Isn't that just the way? - Margy


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy