Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Log Boom Upgrades

Wayne and I are always thinking of ways to improve the comfort and safety of our float cabin home.  One problem of living on the water is wind waves and boat wakes.  They can rock our home, but the real problem is disturbing smaller floating items such as our bridge to shore, boats, and putting stress on anchor cables.

Our front boom is one large log with decorative stumps.  While we were sitting on our deck having coffee, we noticed how the stumps were arranged in a more protective row.  Wayne decided to take the tin boat out and tie them in that position with an extra anchor point rather than letting them swing free.  Plus, it'll make it harder for them to escape during storms.

In addition to breaking up surface waves, the deep roots on the stumps give even us more protection from churning water.
From the cliff, you can see the boom, stumps, and my floating garden.  Next, the moss and plant covered log tied to this side of the garden will be moving to the inside of the boom near the entrance for added interest, and more protection.  Thank you Powell Lake for bringing us such interesting protective items. Keep them coming. -- Margy


  1. Do you have to tie things down on the shelves?!
    I never thought of this! Yikes.

  2. So nice to see a picture of your floating garden - I was wondering what it looked like. Interesting how you control the waves a bit with the booms.


We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy