Friday, April 19, 2013

Snow in the High Country

Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that it's spring. She's still letting it snow in the high country.
But I guess that isn't a bad thing. Next summer we'll appreciate the extra snow melt when the rains leave and the lake needs more water. -- Margy


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Winter doesn't want to lose its grip around here either. Some parts of Northern Ontario are still gets lots and lots of snow. We are having rain today ... great for the fields and wells and rivers.

  2. Yeah, winter is still hanging around. It seems all the foothills around here have at least a trace of snow. Kinda neat looking though. MB

  3. We did have nice warm weather about a month ago and now has gotten cooler. Going to try this Sky Watch next Friday.

  4. A spectacular sky!! No snow flurries here.

  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by to comment on my Skywatch Friday post. I never tire of looking at the sky up at the cabin. You always find something interesting and beautiful.

    Linda, we didn't get much snow this year, but I think the high country got enough to give us what we will need to keep the lake up until fall. I hate when it falls too low, the bridge to shore gets so steep.

    Stephanie, Skywatch is a lot of fun. I've seen some great ones already on your blog.



We welcome your comments and questions. - Wayne and Margy